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             Math Assessment

       Orphans                    weight: now         weight: gain 10 lbs.   height: now             height: grow 2 in.
      Annie                       weight:       52 lbs.  add 10 lbs:    x  height:   46 inches  add 2 inches:      x
      Molly  weight:         x  add  10 lbs:   51 lbs.  height:        x  add 2 inches:   39 in.
     Duffy  weight:       59 lbs.  add 10 lbs:    x  height:    47 inches  add 2 inches:      x
      Tessie  weight          x  add 10 lbs:    55 lbs.  height:        x  add 2 inches:   51 in.

For the above table, print out this page, solve for each "x" by writing a number problem, using the data provided on the table.

9. If Annie's costume designer needed 64 inches of velvet for Annie's Christmas dress,
     but she only had 49 inches of velvet, how many more inches must be bought?

10. Go back to the data on the table to answer part A and B:
       A. How much taller is Annie now, than Molly now (before growing 2 inches)?

       B. How much less does Tessie weigh now, than Duffy (before gaining 10 lbs)?

Your score out of 10 points: 9=A, 8=B, 7=C