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                       Annie's Money Math

Directions: Solve the following problems by drawing the coins and writing the amounts on the coins, and the amount that all the coins equal.  For money differences, make sure that you write in the dollar sign and decimal point.

1. Annie had 5 coins that equaled $.26.  What were the 5 coins
    that she had?

2. It was Molly's birthday. Annie had $.99 in her wallet when she
     went to buy her present.  The present's cost was $.55. How
     much change did Annie get?

3. Duffy found 2 pennies, a nickel, 3 dimes, and a quarter on Miss
    Hannigan's desk.  How much money did she find?

4. Molly bought a pickle for $.30, a peppermint for $.05, and a
    soda for $.20.  She had $.50 in her pocket.  Is $.50 enough for
    Molly to buy everything she wants?  If not, what can she buy?

5. Write your own money story for Annie and the orphans.