which category Sandy fits into. Fold a large piece of paper into four segments.
Sandy in one square, and draw 3 other animals that fit the category that
Sandy fits into. Label this picture as: Mammals.
a local pet store to observe the animals in other categories. List
at least 4 kinds of amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and other mammals.
If that is not possible, visit
Lincoln Park Zoo online. Click on the
picture, then go to "education". Do any 4 of
listed activities for grade K-3 on the "Zoocology Action Guide." Take a
"tour" of the zoo by clicking on "Tour", then write a descriptive summary
of what you saw!
Create a "Baby Book,
or Puppy Book" for Sandy. Try to imagine what his parents
looked like. Describe
the things that Sandy liked. Make a chart for his growth.
Draw pictures of Sandy
at all of his puppy stages, try to estimate how much he
weighed, and how long
he was. Describe his brothers and sisters and where they
live now. Be
sure to include the kinds of food and nutrition they need.