activities meet 12-A.4, 12-B.2, 12-E.4, 13-A.4 (for social studies also-see
communication and transportation) 13-B.1, 12-B.7:Food)
I. For Science standards, see CAS Science.
A. Students will write observations about changing weather.
B. Students will measure various amounts of liquid and dry
materials in standard and metric units of volume.
C. Students will describe a nutritious meal, and include
every basic food group.
D. Students will classify animal according to their specific
physical characteristics.
E. Students will observe animals (in a pet store, in magazines,
classroom pet, "animal trunk show", go to the zoo, etc.) and
record factual observations in order to compare the
observable characteristics of animals.
F. Students will discuss what makes an environment pleasant
or unhealthy with regards to cleanliness, pollution, crowded
conditions, beauty, or blight. Students will compare pleasant
environments to unpleasant environments.
G. Students will make a list of ways to create a pleasant