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Battle 2001

I think most of these work.. If they don't then just don't worry about it. Cause I dont feel like fixing them. I'm lazy ok? Most of them are very cool thanks to Laura again! We love Laura.

And here they are:

Bob & Drew
Bob with the SLIDE trombone! Yes!
Drew & Bob again (they always look the same in pictures)
Ghetto Dru
Everyone and the crowd too
Someone turned out the lights...
Josh the rockstar. (This picture rules!)
Singin' with a passion
Josh is glowing
Kevin and Kyle are dancing a little..
On stage View
Kevin being a little nuts
Kev's screaming something... Who knows what...
throw your hands up!
What an odd looking couple...
Kyle's a little nuts too...
Kyle needs water
Matt and his glowing cymbal
A picture where you can actually see Matt - Wow
The coolest group of guys ever...

These overhead shots are due to Jeff! You rock man!

Kind of what Matt usually sees during a show
The band going nuts.. Matt has no hands
Another cool picture