Jake and Emily's Poo-chi - awww!!!
AIDS Walk San Francisco 5/13/01
Jen, Cathy, Me, Jen, and Leah
Pictures from the Rush Line!
Danelle and Me
Me and JakeAfter the final performance
Me and Jake
Me and Jake again - hee, lotsa Jake pics! :-)
Justin, me, and Jake
Jake, Me, and Pierre
Me and Curtis
Me and Curtis - My flash was being tempramental, he took the camera reached out and shot...and it worked for him! Go figure! :-)
Curtis and Me - thanks Emily, for having a camera with a flash!
Curtis, Me, and Joshua - helmet heads! :-)
Me and Matt
Me and Matt again
Me and Justin
Me and Karmine
Stefanie and Me
Me and Dana
Mark and Me
Me and Marcus
Jen and Jen
Rentheads with Wilson #1
Rentheads with Wilson #2
Rentheads with Wilson #3
Wilson Speaking #1
Wilson Speaking #2
Jen in line eaaaarly in the morning!
7/09/01 line people
More 7/09/01 line people
Emily, Me, and Shani
Danelle, Jen, and a tree!
The Orpheum Theatre