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This WebRing is dedicated to keeping the memory alive of each animal who has died senselessly.

Whether the death was an act of abuse, animal testing, the fur trade or any other horrific act , they must not die in vain and we should forever remember their heartache, struggle and in the end, their courage!

Perhaps by remembering these deaths we can somehow, someway, teach others that it cannot continue. Each time an animal dies at the hands of man our society loses a very valuable part of what makes it so great, it's integrity.

If man is unable to love, nurture, and protect the defenseless, man cannot begin to be able to do the same for those who are not defenseless. When man no longer has animals to torture, kill, and maim, man will turn to man.

Let us stop this before it begins.

If you believe that all animals who have died at the hands of man should be remembered please join this webring and spread the awareness.

Criteria to Join:

Think You're Ready to Join?
  • Save graphic below to your hard drive
    Do not link to my server, if you do you'll be deleted from the ring!

  • Fill out the application form, the html code will then be sent to you, make sure you insert your site id #
  • The code has to be placed on your site within 7 days!
  • After you have the code on your website email me at

      Application Form
      Make sure that you add the url to where the ring fragment will be!!

      Here is what your ring fragment should look like on your page:

      I Keep Their Memory Alive!

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      Please do not alter code without permission!!

      Make sure to tell your friends, pass this page along so others can join too!

      The Nuzzled Network