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Artis-Armand, Ancient Elder

Second Brother to the Original Brood Trio


Second Brother of the Original Brood Trio, brothers of the First Brood by the Great Mother and Father. To the Original Brood - those who have survived that long- know the Great Mother and Father as Mother and Father for they were the first dragons on Dragoshia. (After two centuries one third of the children left for Draigon -the second planet- and the second third left for Draicon -the third planet in the Solar System, the rest remained on Dragoshia with the original parents of all the children.) The Original Brood Dragons paired together were: MoonBeam and TannakTashia, Artis and Pandra, Esprio and Esprie, Scorch and Byrn, (pronounced Burn) and lastly Sol and Heart. Originally Artis was named Armand, but when he reincarnated for the second time after 3 millennia his name became Artis. The only one left out was Xero. Due to being left without a mate, Xero eventually went mad on his own hate and anger. Xero attempted to find a mate among the other species, but failed and created other species of dragons in his attempts to find a mate. He murdered Tanna to exact revenge on his older brother MoonBeam. Tanna instantly reincarnated and was reborn because it was not Tanna's time to die but she was reincarnated into one of the children recently hatched -at that time- to Artis and Pandra. Pandra kept and cared for the baby Tanna until she was able to leave Pandra then gave Baby Tanna over to MoonBeam who then cared for her until she grew up again.

After realizing his failures in attempting to find a mate he soon formed a plan to create a "Master Race" after seeing the creatures spawned from his "misadventures." When MoonBeam realized it was his own brother who killed the only one he loved he became enraged and together with Artis entrapped Xero on the fourth, Black planet. Xero could only escape the Black Planet when it is closest to the Three planets. (The Black Planet is like Earth's Pluto in the fact that it's orbit is erratic and off course from the other planets.) After all this Artis and MoonBeam made a pact to protect Tanna and keep an eye on Xero and the Black Planet when it came close to the Three Planets. They cast a protection spell upon her to keep her from having to be reborn. So that each time -if- Tanna died or was murdered she would reincarnate and her body would reform to a safe place. (That safe place was later changed to the GardenForest when Leta was initiated and created that Dimension.)

Xero killed Tanna to get revenge upon his older brother and the Great Mother for being left out and without love. Everyone knows that one cannot live without love for very long. Because of this Xero slowly grew to insanity and killed each time the Black Planet came close to the three planets. Soon after Tannaktashia had died three times - two thousand years had passed- Pandra passed away due to time and severe energy drain. Artis begged the Great Mother to bring Pandra back, but the Great Mother could not for it was Pandra's time. Pandra's soul drifted in and out of time and space appearing to Artis at important times until she saw Laura and melded with Laura's soul. That is another story. Artis wandered for a while, mourning her passing until he realized he could pass his knowledge and tales unto his children and the children of the others. His tale has been passed down through thousands of generations as it appears here now in a shortened version.



Portrait of Artis Done by a teenage Laura.

All Links below are under construction!

Artis(Human Form)


Next: Xero


Artis' Story

Pandra's Story


Tanna's Tale