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Dragoshian/Draigonian/Draiconian Laws



No Dragoshian/Draigonian/Draiconian shall harm another creature or living being unless that being harms

you first. For example:

  You may only do as much harm to that being as that being did to you.

A.If that being killed one of your family members then you have the right to exact revenge, but tht exact

revenge must be taken up with the Council of Elders. (There are many sub laws to this one, This law is somewhat controvesial with other species and the laws of other species.)

Any who have a dispute, locally or personally that cannot be resolved among the disputers must take the dispute to the local elder or the nearest advisor of the vilage.

   Any matters involving politics OR Humans that cannot be resolved locally or by one's-self must be taken

taken to the King and/or Queen of that area, the Nearest Elemental, the Council of Elders, OR the nearest political office/building.

If any of these laws seen here are broken, then a trial by fire/air/water shall be ordered.

Any decided or wanted marriage concerning a Dragoshian/Draigonian/Draiconian with another species (outsider/human or species on Earth -some mythical creatures still exist ther but are hiding-) must be discused with the consenting parents. OR if in the clan L.I.W./A.D., must be taken up with the Council of Elders.

If there is any disagreement or argument between or with the parents of the two that wish to marry (or whatever you call it in your language) then it must either be taken up with the Council of Elders to gain consent, AND/OR with that other persons laws/religion/tradition to gain the consent of both races. (We don't want another war breaking out because of misunderstanding or disagreement!)

UNDER CONSRUCTION. Please be pateint! Thank you!
Comments, Suggestions, Disagreements, Arguments, Requests, Other? E-mail Psyconias, Elder And he will take your (one of the previous choices) to the Council of Elders forviewing and consideration.

Thank you!