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ChAt TyPo BLoOpErZ!!!

Hey now! Well all make typos and silly chatting errors ... and some of them are just too funny to laugh about and put them in the " back closet " to never be remembered again! So I thought that I would design a page to share a good laugh with everyone! I hope you all enjoy this page as much as I'm sure I will!

---------- C ----------

ChristianGuy's boo boo: zipporah_1: : i can't see youngguy lol --- youngguythegreat: zipporah --- zipporah_1: i'm in the dark lol --- ChristianGuy: turn on the dark zipporah --- ChristianGuy: oops...I mean light --- zipporah_1: rofl! christian guy that was cute, you had me for a second lol --- ChristianGuy: well..hey...fruadian slip

---------- E ----------

Tezzie haven't you done a 'logo' for yourself woman? Exqsme ya, it's not much of one though Tezzie I want one for alink to your page! Exqsme Well it's nuder the e woman! Tezzie nuder as in... NAKED LOL! Exqsme ROFL eeep!

Exqsme *Snorts* --- MICHAEL2 o no she's snorting mousey! --- Greymouse lol Mike --- Exqsme *spits pop out everywhere* --- MICHAEL2 ur clean up room ,sis --- Exqsme lol I dont snort anything let alone lice! --- Exqsme lol I mean mice!! --- Greymouse LOL!

Exqsme --- Zoo XeX3Xe.. Can you say split shift blue 3 x real fast? --- Exqsme oh brother ~ spit shift blue ~ spit shift blue ~ spit shift blue --- faithful spit? ~ 'ducks' --- Exqsme hahhahaha! oops!--- Zoo XeXeXe... rofl --- Exqsme I can't type hahaha --- Zoo XeXeXe.. I was gonna be real impressed until I saw the typo.. rofl

Exqsme " I used to know somone who had a pitbutt " ( was trying to say pitbull ) to further the typos someone, can't remember who, said " hahaha puttbutt " to tease me... I laughed so hard, but me in all my typo glory, trying to point it out retypoed the typo to " Puttnutt " we laughed so hard!

Exqsme Trying to say in action words " Exqsme does the duckie dance " instead I got a "Exqsme does the dickie dance "

---------- J ----------

JeanBoone Tried to talk to Cornelius.. bye calling him Corny instead it typoed horny and the bot booted the boss lady out *tee hee* Naughty!

---------- H ----------

HisKid want to add a picture of my fooy ---HisKid foot even --- Exqsme ROFL... my fooy? --- Little Lamb fooy? --- Exqsme well fooy to you too HisKid --- HisKid lol

---------- T ----------

Tezzie In trying to talk to TheBigFut, by calling him "fut" our wonderful aussie typed " Gut" (08/02/00)

---------- Z ----------

Zipporah (context)We were discussing the weather (as you do) and the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius and this priceless statement came from the Zippster... "I say F out of habit, but know C because I work in a European company"

~ (Thanx Tezzie for that one hehehehehehhehe)

NOW, I'm sure that I will catch alot of bloopers to make us all giggle, but it would be very cool if you all could help me out with this one, if you catch a blooper in chat that made you laugh, please save a copy of the BLoOpEr and send it to me, be sure to include the date, and if needed add a litle context if it adds to the hilarity of the bLoOpEr.

( ~my website email~