The Matrix

Trinity Neo

The Matrix is arguably a groundbraking science fiction film, in at least several areas. First, obviously, in the area of special effects. Anyone who saw the effects in the movie would be inclined to say, as did Keanu Reeves, "Whoa...". They are in a word, stupendous. After seeing what the filmmakers did visually, a person is pressed to say that if it is imaginable, it can be conveyed on the screen. I bet that deep in their hearts, directors must feel like gods these days, to command such power that can create virtual universes. Granted, this is a very human pride, but a person 100 years ago would be astounded by what computers can do. In the highest flattery, I am sure that the CGI work done for the Matrix will be used and imitated in a variety of future movies.

My favorite aspect of The Matrix, however, is the fact that it was a movie that contained plenty of action, but had an intelligent plot to back it up. Unlike Independence Day and many other horrible SciFi movies, the effects were to support the plot, not vice-versa. Hollywood needs to learn this lesson badly. Plot must come first for a great movie, and this is no different for the SciFi genre. The plot made a person think, and I find that a rarity in most movies. I only hope that the sequels will not destroy the wondrous foundation that this movie has laid.


R rating for violence and language
