Pete's Web Page

These are a few of my poems of passable quality.
These are written from a viewpoint of a born again Christian, so, if they offend anyone, sorry!

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-- Poems: --

Title: Description: Year Written:
Desire My first really good my opinion :) 1993
To the Sky What does God think about abortion? 1995
The Sisters Girls seem to like this one. 1997
Second Holocaust My take on abortion and the response of the church. 1997
Untitled about unrequited love 1997
On A Certain Aspect of Love About infatuation 1997
True Beauty A rebuke of commercialism...I guess 1998
Untitled The futility of life 1998
Eden Searching throughout life 2000
Last Poem My last poem, or so I thought. 2001
Alone in the Cold A poem by my father. 2002
A Japanese Poem by Ki no Tsurayuki
I would love to hear any comments or criticism of the poetry.