Titanic Rose and Jack

This would be a good movie if only for the wonderful special effects and faithful reproduction of the famous ship. But for those of us who still believe in romance, in whatever form it might take, the movie has a lot of appeal.

Despite the claims of various critics stating that the romance was soap operatic, I loved it. Any person who was honest would have to say that they hoped, at least once in their life, to have a relationship like that in Titanic.

I must say that I don't believe a person could fall in love within three days, yet it might be fun to try! Also, I believe in premarital abstinence, but it's hard to fault the pair, knowing how the story would end.

Normally, I don't care for the acting skills of Leonardo DiCaprio, and, being a heterosexual male, I don't care for his looks either. Yet, in this role, I firmly believe that he did quite well, and I cannot see any other in his place.

Some of the scenes were just unforgettable, at least to me, and interspersed throughout, the wonder of James Horner's score. Of course, I knew how the movie was going to end, but I was still spellbound. I don't know if I have ever cried so much at a movie, unless it was Schindler's List. The movie is a stirring epic, and a reminder that man is not nearly so secure and mighty in his domain as he might believe.

Lastly, anyone who can see the scene in which 1500 people are drowning in the freezing water and screaming and not come away with some sense of the tragedy inherent in life is not paying attention, at least in my mind.

Rated PG-13 for brief nudity, adult situations.