This page was created to voice various complaints that a server could have with customers at a restaurant.

Let me just say that not every server, cook, etc., in the food service industry is a wonderful person. However, many customers treat us as if we were slaves. Many others tip us and maybe we don't deserve it every time. But, overall, customers act as selfishly as possible.

Remember, we make usually around $3.00 an hour. So, tips are what provide for our living. Many people don't realize this or don't care.

In the years that I have worked in the food service industry, I have seen how in America we have become a country of self-worshippers. In other words, me, me, Me! is what we are all thinking. Even myself, in what had been my less than enthusiastic tackling of my restaurant jobs, showed this tendency.

This is a microcosm of society in general, and is one of many symptoms of our selfishness as a whole. Thank God I am now out of that profession.

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