My Sugar Ray CD Encounters

This is how I got all my Sugar Ray CDs...

Floored (1st Sugar Ray CD I got): One day my brother left for the day and he had just gotten a bunch of new CDs and he had gotten Floored and I wanted it but my mom wouldn't let me get it because she thought it had bad language on it. So while my brother was gone, I took his CD and taped it on a cassette before he came home that night. I was going through it and I was like being a person that hated the "f" word so I didn't tape "Cash" on it. So then, when I got a little older I was at Wal Mart and wanted to get Floored so my mom bought it for me and it turned out to be the edited version so then I decided to get the original version and my brother had it so I asked my dad if he thought my brother would care if I took off with it (he wouldn't have noticed it gone...) so then I got caught and I had to pay him 5 bucks but it was worth it!

Lemonade & Brownies (2nd Sugar Ray CD I got): 2 years ago in December. I went to my dad's to see a Christmas parade and I had made good grades or something so he told me he would buy me a CD and I wanted Lemonade & Brownies from him because my mom wouldn't buy it for me because of the cover and explicit lyrics. So we went and bought it and it was so funny when I first heard "Drive By." We were driving down the road and I just started cracking up and he was like, "What?!?!" And it was funny...but another memory from this CD was when we were watching the parade I was listening to "Mean Machine" and I thought, Man, the drummer must be really good cause it's so fast at the beginning. And then I heard "Big Black Woman." I don't remember what I thought then but I can remember watching the light things go by and I was listening to that...

14:59 (3rd Sugar Ray CD I got): On January 12, 1999 I had decided to buy the CD that day and I told like everyone at school that I was gonna buy it and that they should too so when the night rolled around and my mom had to go to school like 2 hours after she got off work so it was practically impossible to get it that night and I HAD to get it so I call On Cue like 20 times and everytime I called the phone was busy because the rejects there talk on the phone too much so I finally got through and I asked them if they had Sugar Ray's new CD and they said, "Yes." So my mom went to school and, thank God, it was her first night in that class so the teacher let them out early and my mom and I ran over there and got it. When I got it home, I hated it but it grew on me...:)

Someday Single (4th Sugar Ray CD I got): I don't even remember what I got this for...I think it was for Thanksgiving or Christmas or something but all I know is that I got it before the holiday because I begged my mom to show me what she got me.

Ultimate Sugar Ray (5th Sugar Ray CD I got): On April 22, 2000 I got this CD for Easter. When I went to the mall with our scholar bowl team, my friend Angela and I went into a shop and I always look in the Sugar Ray sections to see if they have anything different that I don't have so I went there and I saw this one! So, I didn't have enough money with me that day to buy it so Angela and I hid it in the country section. It was funny though because our teacher was with us and I was like, "Can you help me hide this?" And he thought I meant in my clothes to steal it and he was like, "I'm not helping you take that." And I was like, "NO! I want to HIDE it so no one will buy it!" And we both started laughing and he was like, "Put it in the country section." So I did and a week later my mom, my friend Heather, and I went back to get it for me for Easter and it was back in the Sugar Ray section. It's imported from Australia so that's cool.

Sugar Ray Star Profile (6th Sugar Ray CD I got): On June 30, 2000 I got this CD. I was out with a friend of mine and we walked into a music store and I looked at the Pearl Jam CDs because their new song is awesome (JAVIER! lol, he knows what I mean) so I had $20 on me (which I owed to someone else) but I wanted this CD for "Light Years" so bad so I decided I'd get it. Then I went to the Sugar Ray section and I told the lady that I was with that this was my favorite band so I was looking through them and found this. I didn't have enough money to buy that CD so I was standing there holding it and she got it from me and bought it for me! I was like, "Woah...I wish my mom would do that don't have to..." so I got it and came home. Oh man, the pics in the 100 page booklet of this CD are soooo good!

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