My English paper about the Sugar Ray concert

I went to a Sugar Ray concert on August 14, 1999 in Springfield, Illinois. After driving 3 hours to get there we didn't know just how long we were gonna have to wait for everything. We got to the hotel, checked in, and watched TV for about 2 hours. We decided to drive over to the fair 3 hours early which was a good idea.

We were about a mile and a half from the fairgrounds so it didn't take long to get there. When we got there, everybody was hungry except me because I was way too excited and I knew I would get sick. We had to wait about 30 minutes for the food and then wait another 30 minutes to eat. We didn't know where the grandstand was so we asked for directions and then walked to the stage. I noticed some shirts and stuff with Sugar Ray on them so I went over to the place with the stuff and I bought a shirt and a necklace (DON'T MAKE ME CRY DAMMIT! THIS IS DRIVING ME TO DRINKING!!!!).

We got in line for the gates to open. We could hear soundcheck but I didn't hear any Sugar Ray songs being played. They finally opened the gates. We went to our seats. They were really high up but center. We sat and waited for an hour. An opening band called Frog Pond (Fastball was supposed to be there but they bailed). They were okay so we sat and waited for Frog Pond to get done. Then the intermission....20 more minutes!

We could see the crew setting up so I looked through my binoculars. I recognized quite a few crew members (thanks to Murphy). Then Sugar Ray's DJ came out. I wasn't really freaking out until I saw my favorite member of the band, Murphy come out. I don't know what happened. I just fell in my seat and cried.

They started playing "Glory." After that, Mark started talking and a crew member handed him a guitar. I looked over at Whitney and screamed, "FALLS APART!" That's likem my favorite song They played the song "Even Though" next. I was crying the whole time so far except during "Even Though." I finally calmed down. Then they played "Fly." Everybody stood up and sang, including me. The lead singer, Mark, cried in the middle of it because his grandmother died in April, one day after my grandfather died. I cried too, again because I love Mark and all the guys and hate to see them cry or anything. He was crying, I was crying, and after that I got a huge headache. It was so crazy.

They then played the song "Someday." That's a good song too. From then on, I stood up. Then we sang Twisted Sisters. That was cool. Then they played "Iron Mic." I was the only one standing up in the bleachers and I embarrassed Whitney. Then they played "Mean Machine!" I love that song! I had really great binoculars so I was looking at Murphy's shoes and guess what! He had black Airwalks on. I freaked out. Then the lead singer sang a Backstreet Boys song. That sucked! Then they played the song "Every Morning." Everybody stood up and sang. Even my mom! All I really remember from that moment was a thousand hands in the air...still gives me goosebumps. Then Sugar Ray left. :(

That was mainly the best night of my life. I can't believe I cried cause I've known Whitney for 8 years and I have never cried in front of her. It was all so crazy and not planned. I think we all had a great time.

- Megan, August 27, 1999

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