Fiona's Sugar Ray Concert Review

San Diego, CA

I went to see Sugar Ray in San Diego and they rocked!!!! I loved it! Their stage was awesome and they were so pumped! It was the most fun I've had at a concert, and here's why! After they played, me and my friend went and hung around this chain link fence for over an hour (the whole time Goo Goo Dolls played) waiting to have anyone from Sugar Ray to sign this shirt I bought. Stan came out to talk to someone and no one else recognized him but me so I'm all "Hey Stan" and he smiled and said "Hi" then he signed my shirt and chatted for a second. (by the way my shirt was awesome, some guy in San Diego printed them himself and they had "Sugar Ray" on the front and on the back had a picture of Mark from the Rolling Stones cover and some venues they're playing at). Stan signed on one of Mark's shoulders. So about an hour later, Mark came over to sign stuff and out of nowhere a hundred screaming girls came running and almost pushed over the fence. I thought he'd leave after signing a couple things but he stuck around and I got my ticket stub signed and my shirt, (on the shirt he wrote on his pic "Mark Sugar Ray" then drew an arrow to his belly and circled it and wrote "FAT"). How cute is that! I LOVE SUGAR RAY!!!! I took lots of pictures. They played Every Morning, Falls Apart (my fave!), RPM, Fly, Mean Machine, Someday... I'm thinking there were a few more but I can't remember. They had 2 guys come up for "Free-style rap" which they also did on there "Floored" tour. They also did what Mark called "Rock and Roll Kareoke" in which they played a cover rock song and the audience had to sing along. They probably played about 45 mins or so. The stage was awesome: it had a big banner hanging in the back which was the cover of "14:59". DJ Homicide had a cool little set up and around him was beach stuff like fishing nets with some star fish in it, it was really cool.

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