Mark Quotes

"You can't even imagine how many times I've ran through this parking lot naked." - Mark talking about Snug Harbor

"There's nothing worse in the world, I don't care what cover you're on, than having your mother crying." Mark

"Looking back, this is probably what I was supposed to do, because I tried to destroy it and a real psysiological depression took hold." - Mark

"It's been fifteen years since I've been to confession. You'd have to close down the church for a week." - Mark

"14:59 wasn't a countdown; it was a count up. We're already here." - Mark

"As far as pigeonholding music in general, there's only twelve notes. You can wrap them in whatever genres, but there's only twelve notes." - Mark

"This band has always been and always will be the sum of its parts." - Mark

"I'm not going to sit here and tell you we're poor, but we're not Puff Daddy either." - Mark

"Fun is our philosophy. We're not angry and we like our parents." - Mark

"Even at the first party we played eight or nine years ago, I got more attention from the twelve people there." - Mark

"My girlfriend turned me on to making the most of what you have. She was the first girl to Monica Lewinsky me properly...actually she Monica Lewinkskied me to death. That lasted for about two years." - Mark

"We'll have a decadent night that involves naked people and a video camera, and the next morning everyone wakes up feeling guilty and goes off to work. We're schizophreic. Everything has happened on our tour bus that you can imagine." - Mark when asked how decadent things get on the tour bus

"I know the romance is somewhere is somewhere inside of just needs to be jump started." - Mark

"I would love to have a relationship with a girl and every morning and be with her." - Mark

"It's a song that means a lot to me from growing up, it evokes good memories, I don't know...I never thought it would make it to the record and be part of the finished product and now it's really cool." - Mark on why they did a remake of Stand and Deliver

"Out of all of us, Stan especially maintains that 70s ideaology of fun and free love. He is Keith Moon. Stan tried to streak at 'Jurassic Park' right past some old lady who had just come out of CoCo's Restaurant." - Mark

"They (Atlantic) figured that they might be releasing it to a pop radio station and this is sort of when you suck corporate cock, when they have ideas and they sort of stick to them. They thought that having the Raggae flavor on Fly would turn off some Debuke, Iowa pop station, so we have both versions available." - Mark on why there are two versions of Fly

"I've never performed a show sober, never want to, never will." - Mark

"Scream, drink, and f*ck!" - Mark

"I doubt we'll ever have a success like that again as a single." - Mark on Fly

"We're real to ourselves and we are real serious about having a good time." - Mark

"I only last ten seconds in the sack and I can only do it once." - Mark

"Don't ever leave me in Manhattan for two weeks with nothing to do and a ton of speed." - Mark

"Free beer, deli plates, and the fans...what more could you ask for?" - Mark

"We started this band for fun and we haven't changed." - Mark

"We're extremely hateable-I understand that. If I wasn't in this band, I'd hate it too." - Mark

"We never claimed to be anything but what we are." - Mark

"Another person was inside that really got brought out in LA, for better and for worse. I left a lot of good in Newport as well." - Mark

"It's a shitty time right now for rock stars. People talk about one-hit wonders, but there are one-hit wonders every year. There have been no rock stars." - Mark

"Believe me, we know how lucky we are to be here." - Mark

"Stan has led us to water in a sense. Without Stan's hooks-without him beginning 'Fly,' or without him writing the chorus of 'Every Morning'-we would have been dropped. That's a fact." - Mark

"They have put on a very brave face for us." - Mark talking about his partents.

"I was just a loser." - Mark talking about his depression a few years ago

"If anyone left, even McG, it would be over." - Mark

"Outside of the band, we're completely useless at anything." - Mark

"You'll never see a serious video from us, because that's not where we started." - Mark

"We were fans of music before we were musicians." - Mark

"We never planned to write an album with mellow songs, that was never a plan, not something we had in mind." - Mark

"There are lots of people out there who are just waiting for us to fail. They brought up the theory that we're one-hit wonders and they want us to fall flat on our noses, just to prove them right." - Mark

"We're trying to write the best songs we can, and that's good enough for us." - Mark

"There are better amenities on the bus than in my own apartment." - Mark

"The bands we loved were the ones that reached in, spit on you, touched your hand, so it's important to us to spit on you, touch your hand. We try to introduce everybody in the show because we know what it's like to be a fan." - Mark

"I was a zit-faced breakdancer." - Mark

"When you're done touring and you've been together six or seven months, you're like, 'All right, I need a break from you monkeys'." - Mark

"There's the evil word. Maturity." - Mark

"My drunk friend Robby." - Mark when asked who did his hair

"Cause it's faster than walking." - Mark when asked why they want to fly

"If you got it, smoke it." - Mark

"The origins of the band, it started as a cover band, ok, we were just a band that wanted to get together, play some songs, and play a keg party, you know." - Mark

"Don't drink and drive." - Mark

"If you don't like yourself, you're going to most definately hate us." - Mark

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