KISS 108 Concert
Can I just tell you I had the time of my life on Saturday, June 3rd at the KISS 108 Concert in Mansfield, MA. Well, SR had a half hour time slot so they started off with Falls Apart, then Someday, Every Morning, and Fly. Well when my friends and I got there, one of my friends, Caitlin and I started scoping out the area where we can find places to sneak in, which event staff members we can bribe, or ways to meet SR. We were unsuccessful but it was worth trying. The venue is arranged like this...you had an amphitheater which house seats that are wicked close to the stage and then you have the outer part of the theater which are lawn seats (far away from the stage). Well we had lawn seats. But we saw a girl we knew who traded our tix for the SR act. So my friend caitlin and I sat 8th row!! It gets better!! Guess who smiled and nod/pointed at us....the one and only Murphy Karges!! We were freaking out!!
This is what happened...Well we were seated on the left side of the stage, so mark walked over to the right singin' so everyone was screaming for him on that side. Well Murphy came towards our side which was quieter and so we held our posters and screamed We love you murphy, he heard us looked at us, smiled and did a nod like you would point to someone with your head!! That was the best half hour I ever had!! They all looked hot and sexy!! Mark had his beater and army green shorts, Murf had a shirt that said Dickie with a pic on it and shorts with socks, Stan had a shirt and tie, DJ had a white Shirt and jeans, Rod had a black shirt with khakis. They sounded awesome!! Everyone got up and danced and sang for them. And I got pics to prove it, I will be posting them up on my site later around July (hoping i will get a scanner by then). We asked an event staff member if he could go and give our posters to Sugar Ray and he agreed but when he did they already left for North Carolina..the event staff member was the guard for the entrance to the tour bus parking lot. Well I had three posterboards for Sugar Ray...
3.) -it was a paragraph that had all their song and album titles inserted in...here it goes...
Sugar Ray are "the greatest" and are "live and direct" in
concert. They're
no "American Pig" or a "Personal Space Invader" they are
our "Fly" boys from "
Speed Home California." "Anyone" who knows us know that we
live and "Breathe"
Sugar Ray. "Every Morning" we listen to "ode to the lonely
hearted." "Even
though" we question the lyrics of "Rhyme Stealer, Big Black Woman,
and 10
Seconds down." we still scream, "Aim for me," Sugar Ray. We
hope "Someday" we
will find "Glory" in meeting you and drive the "Mean
Machine" through a "Drive
By" McDonald's and spend some "cash" at "Snug
Harbor." "Rodney Plus Murphy"
are the main guitarists while stan and DJ "Tap, Twist, Snap" the
beats. "Hold
your Eyes, 'cause mark can shake his "Caboose" and create the
ultimate "Dance
Party USA." Melissa "Falls Apart" when SR "Stand and
Deliver" their "New
Direction" of music into the "Iron Mic." Caitlin has
"High Anxiety" while
you jam the songs "Streaker, Danzig Needs a hug, and Burning dog."
say the magic word: "Abracadabra" so we can meet you but not become
.." We will be "Floored" if KISS send us to the "Right
Direction." So pass
out the "Lemonade and Brownies" 'cause Sugar Ray has more than
"14:59" to
party at KISS concert 2000-the "New Direction"