"We're a band, and sometimes we get protrayed like we're Mark and a backup group." - Murphy
"...Where you can get Chinese food and crack delivered." - Murphy on Manhattan
"I think you pick the instrument of your personality." - Murphy
"Its weird. My parents had kind of a bad divorce when I was about twenty. My mom sat me and my brother and sister down and played the most beautiful, touching song with the heaviest lyrics." - Murphy
"Once I got a black eye in the mosh pit when I was in there with my bass, playing a song, I got pounded in the face by a guy (who was a boxing champ). He was a friend. It sucks to get punched in the face, man...Nobody's a fighter in this band." - Murphy
"It's a modest house. I didn't try to buy anything really amazing, so when in one year I'm working at McDonald's I can still afford it." - Murphy
"We never have grand ideas about a 'concept album' or 'we have to repeat the success' or 'we have to go back to the roots' or anything. We just wanted to write a record that expresses what we're at now, wherever that may be." - Murphy
"I don't mind them liking the band just for Mark as long as they buy the CD; I still get paid!" - Murphy
"We feel blessed and we're just gonna stay the same people we are." - Murphy
"I'd make everyone in the world happy always. I'd make every girl have a grapefruit." - Murphy when asked if he could have any superpower what would it be
"Live shows rule, videos are a pain in the ass." - Murphy
"I wanted to be a fireman." - Murphy when asked what he wanted to be when he was younger
"'Fly' is a banging track. It's not like us; I don't know how we wrote it. We were just sitting around, and we just created it slowly. The song evolved over a period of time, I mean, but in terms of the final product, it was written in three minutes. We had a fight at practice in New York. Mark bailed and everybody was in a bad mood. Stan, our drummer, wrote the chorus. We had writers' block and we were writing all these heavy songs, and all of a sudden it just happened." - Murphy
"This is the best time right now. We're just trying to enjoy it. We know it's not going to last. I mean the highest of highs; these are them right now. So we've got to enjoy them. This year is a new year, it could take us higher, it could be the same, it could go a little lower, we don't know. There's a core fan base out there, really psycho Sugar Ray fans who really love what we're doing. And you can't go wrong with that. No matter what happens. I'm cool with that." - Murphy
Like Murphy? Me too...Check out my Murphy site. www.angelfire.com/music/murfdog