My Sugar Ray Shirt Encounter

In April '99 I ordered my first Sugar Ray shirt that said California across it and then it says Sugar Ray underneath it. One day in Art a little boy named Mr. Meanie (you know who you are and so does everybody else) decided he didn't like where he was sitting so he asks the teacher for another seat and the teacher didn't like me so she moved me away from one of my best friends. I had to move by a guy named Mr. Retard (you also know who you are) which I don't like him at all. The next day in Art we painted these stupid flower things and I was wearing my Sugar Ray shirt for the 3rd time. Mr. Retard decided it would be funny to sling green permanent paint on Megan's most favorite shirt in the whole world. Of course it is still there but it's almost gone but I'm still mad about it. If it happens this year I will actually do more about it so I would recommend not testing my limits. Especially when it comes to Sugar Ray!

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