Stan Quotes

"A Snickers bar cause I'm full of nuts." - Stan when asked what candy best describes you

"Hey, what's up? It's early in the morning here, it's about, uh, 10:30, and we're here at Le Privé, I'm the first one here, I'm a little over-zealous today, I don't know what's wrong with me." - Stan

"The worst part about it is the sweat that just like accumulates right here, at the small of your back, or in between your butt cheeks. You can't really call someone over to like, 'Towel me off!'. I mean, you can, but it's really not that cool, with etiquette, so I think I'll be toweling my own buttox today." - Stan

"Videos are fun to make." - Stan

"Stan Frazier...male prostitute." - Stan

"Living with Murphy is never easy. I think his mother never ever gave him the proper choores to do. He never, ever...takes out the trash. Never!" - Stan

"Is happy hour over?" - Stan

I am looking for more in magazines, on the net, on TV appearances and stuff so hopefully more coming soon.

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