My Perfect Thanksgiving Journal

Our English teacher told us to write a journal about what our idea of a perfect Thanksgiving vacation would be and this was mine...

Day 1 (Wednesday, November 24, 1999)

I cannot believe this! I just won a contestand I'm going to go to California and Sugar Ray are gonna perform a special club show for me and the other winners and our friends tonight! Yay!

I got off the plane and I'm getting ready to drop my stuff off at the Ramada. Then I'm going to a big skate park to rollerblade and skateboard. I didn't get hurt this time.

Well, I went to the Sugar Ray concert and had the best night of my life. They played all the songs we requested. Mark asked for volunteers and then called me up on stage. I got to sing "Falls Apart." When it was over, me and a few others went backstage to meet them. They were really cool. When everybody was gone, they invited me to go to theior house that they share as a group. They practiced and just had fun. They took me back to the Ramada. They are supposed to pick me up tomorrow and drive me home. It took me a while to fall asleep from all the excitement but I finally did.

Day 2 (Thursday, November 25, 1999)

I had to get up early today so they could pick me up so we can head home. We flew halfway and drove halfway. I took millions of pictures. We at Thanksgiving at Ryan's because we didn't have much time. They came home with me and we hung out. We had a big party because it was Rodney's birthday. Then we went to Carbondale and spent the night.

Day 3 (Friday, Novemver 26, 1999)

Tonight Sugar Ray is gonna perform at my school. During the day I got my clubhouse completely done. Painted and everything. We had a concert at school. They called me and Angela up on stage and Murphy gave me pair of his boxers and Stan gave Angela a pair of his boxers because we are obesessed with getting their boxers. It was so cool. Then they had to go home. I was sad that they had to go.

Day 4 (Saturday, November 27, 1999)

I got on the Internet and emailed Sugar Ray. I called my dad and we went rollerblading and skateboarding. Then he took me shopping. I got all kinds of Sugar Ray stuff. Then I watched movies. I had a party tonight in my clubhouse and everyone was there. It was the coolest party ever. This has been the best weekend of my life.

- Megan, November 23, 1999

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