My Sugar Ray Tickets Encounter

I had been waiting for Sugar Ray to go on their tour with the Goo Goo Dolls. I was looking at Ticketmaster and trying to find out if I could get tickets to see them live. I asked my mom if she would take me to go see them in St. Louis. She said no because she wasn't gonna drive through St. Louis (even though she drove through Atlanta but no she couldn't drive through St. Louis to make her daughter the happiest chick on earth). I got mad. I asked my dad if he would take me. He said yes but I didn't talk to him till one week till the concert. That night I was only about 45 mins from St. Louis too! I had seen they were going to be in Springfield. I called my mom at work and asked her if we could go. She said maybe. I freaked out. I called my friend Angela and told her I might go see them. She freaked out too. I looked to see when the tickets would go on sale and guess what! They were going on sale while we were on vacation! I was upset. My mom wanted to have somebody go with us so she asked my friend Whitney's mom. She said maybe. Guess what she did! Not knowing it like the next day she ordered Cardinal baseball tickets for the day of the concert. When we got on vacation (they went too) I was like "MOM! Lets order those tickets where we can get good seats!" My mom asked Whitney's mom and she said yeah she would go. Like a week later I was at their house and noticed on the fridge that there was a paper that said "Cardinals ballgame August 14." My mom wouldn't order the tickets till she had somebody go with her. 2 weeks went by. Total depression. Then my mom was talking about it at work and a lady said her and her grand daughter would go. Thank God! We ordered the tickets that week. We had section F row 36. Being the huge retard that I am, I thought we had good seats. When we got there we were 2 rows from the top and right in the middle. They were decent but not good enough for a huge Sugar Ray Freak. Good thing I had great binoculars. That night we got to the hotel and watched the news and guess what!!!!! The Cardinals lost!!!!! I HATE the Cardinals now and I will never to a game of theirs. I'm still upset over it. Hopefully next time I will get better seats. If only I could drive myself. I would go by myself and have the time of my life. I still had the best night of my life and hopefully I have more nights like that.

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