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Weapons I fired in the Marine Corps

The M16A2 Service Rifle

The M16 is the marine corps prime weapon, everyone has to qualify once a year with it. I have fired the M16 to many times already, but still like the M203. The M203 is the grenade launcher that you see in movies it is a add on to the M16. The M16 could become the M203 grenade launcher by adding the grenade barrel underneath the grips, along with the quadrasites on the carrier handle.(I do not curently have a picture of the M203 Grenade Launcher)

The Mark 19

The Mark 19 is another awesome machine. It is an automatic grenade laucher. I also fired this at MCT. I prey to get another chance to fire this weapon!

The M9 Hand Pistol

I just recently got a chance to fire this one at field exercise, between Feb 14 2000 - Feb 19 2000. It is a nice rush for a small weapon.

Weapons Cont.

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