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Copy Right © Lauren Dyer


#1 Ch.1

Tanna's Tale



Warning!/Disclaimer: This story is a short view at one point in this character's life and not meant to be taken seriously. The characters Tannaktashia, Crystalshia, Crystelshia, Chestalia, Rika -sister to Tanna in this story-, the Elemental, Trista, Skye, and Midnite belong to me. Any other mention of any other character or person not mentioned here does not belong to me by means of Copy Right. It's all legal.



My Story



This book was created to tell a tale, a true story that happened several centuries ago on this planet called Earth. The only thing that separates fiction from reality is the fact that those who knew and saw me are now long dead, all my human "friends" and dragon friends -who happened to be mortal- have long died and been buried in their graves. This is a story of a village, a country, a continent, a planet. The destruction and death so gruesome that it goes beyond the Holocaust. (Not to say we are better than you but the suffering, pain, devastation and death was greater than the Holocaust, more than you could imagine. Enough to drive one to insanity and beyond.) This story is what my people call The Great Devastation. Like some authors who put their book(s) under a pseudonym, for I have no middle or last name, only the first name and title which I am known by. But, instead of that, I have my daughter help me write this story for some of the memories are too great to relive and she fills in for me when I can go no further. She also edits. TO get to the point, my name is Tannaktashia, but you will call me Tanna. In our language my name means wings, or to fly. You could say that I am "alien", if that is what you call those who are not born of your planet. Obviously by now, you can tell that I am not human, or "Earthling" for that matter, I am Dragoshian. As are those who resemble me and my family. We are an advanced species of dragon, able to walk upright from the ancient Earthen dragons you killed off in the medieval ages. We are known to have magic capabilities, some of us have different coloring, different features, or qualities that differentiate us from other, make us original. Some such qualities are that we do or don't have spikes, wings, the ability to breathe fire, swim, or even the aquatic dorsal fin like the Earth Dolphin. Some of us are more adapted to land, to the air, and water. We are different such as humans are, all have a special quality, feature, or personality that separates us from each other making us special in our own way.

There are different species of dragon, air, land and water dragon species for starters. There are also dragon-like animals and creatures that live in our small isolated solar system. The Dragon Solar System, which exists of a yellow sun, three planets and a system of orbiting satellites to protect us from outsiders. There is one planet that is part of our solar system, but technically not. It orbits outside of the satellites in an erratic orbit, like the Pluto in Earth's solar system. This planet we call the Black Planet. But I will get to that planet later on in a much later chapter. The first planet from the sun is Dragoshia; it's about the size of Jupiter. The second planet is named Draigos or often called Draigon -pronounced Dragos, with a high "a". Technically it is a planet, but we call it a moon because it orbits safely around Dragoshia, protecting it. It is also the size of Jupiter. The third planet is named Draicon - often called Draigon- it's a bit smaller, about the size of Earth. The system of satellites that orbits a good distance around the outside of the planets protecting all three planets from invaders and outsiders. Outsiders are what we call humans and humanoid/human like creatures. Like the Evo-humans which I will also explain in a much later chapter.

Our solar system is eons away from you solar system. We are able to reach it by two methods of travel. The first by spacecraft -what you would call a spaceship we call spacecraft- which has the ability of time warp travel. Time Warp Travel allows us to travel through time and space in a matter of seconds or days in what would other wise take us years without it. We are able to take seconds or days depending on the time scheduled for arrival we so choose. The second method is through a portal created by Letalveon, a specialist in dimensions and teleportation. She created the portal which enables us to travel as if we were in time warp travel but without the need for spacecrafts. We use these methods for our solar system is cut off, isolated from any other solar system or nebula in this small part of the galaxy. Our area of the galaxy can only be reached by our own kind and any others who are not welcome are obliterated by the satellites weaponry. Why do we have satellites? An answer to that question is this story. An incident that occurred long ago, back when Earth was new. This book is that story.


The Dragon Solar System was old or in the "middle ages" when Earth was new and recently formed. Our few probe/seeking satellites -not the ones that now orbit around the planets- which we created to seek out other forms of life and to report back to us if what they saw was friendly or hostile. What they found was Earth. Our satellites had found and revealed your sun and planet to use, thinking them a threat. Since that was the only planet that was capable of sustaining life we wished to know if there was life all ready existent there. Our scientists wanted to investigate and observe your Earth for any forms of life, even microscopic forms. Those scientists formed a team of specialists and were sent to observe, study and perhaps collect some plant life and life forms to study them. When they arrived there, the first few days went smoothly. Then, catastrophe struck and the team had to abort and return home. The team of specialists were seen by the primitive form of humans which you call Neanderthals. They typically saw them as a threat to their territory and pursued the dragons beating them in the process. The specifics of the story are lost to me for that is all I know. In the scramble, some of the humans were accidentally taken aboard for the spacecraft mistook them for some of the specialist dragons. (In that time our spacecraft and technologies were not as advanced as they are today and were only programed to take body count not brain wave count and DNA scans. Due to inferior technology, the spacecraft thought some of the Neanderthals were dragons and left the other dragons behind. First of all, this happened because the team of specialists did not fight back because in doing so, they would interfere if they did fight back and cause damage. There being seen already caused damage, being left behind scarred that planet.

The other dragons did not realize that they had left behind their friends until they reached home. By then the once primitive and ancestral Neanderthals had evolved when the spacecraft entered Time Warp Travel. The evolved humans or Evo-Humans -prematurely evolved, prematurely meaning without the effects of time- who were evolved but still had the primitive instincts of their ancestors. Their bodies were evolved but their minds were still half-way in the Neanderthal way of mind. Because of this, they were set in their instincts to find territory and make it their own. But since the planet was already inhabited they took what they wanted and pushed us out, or in some cases killed. Eventually this battle for land soon became chaos and spread. We didn't care to possess the land, we could live without four walls. But we would not stand to be hurt or stand for what they did to the land either. We are a peaceful species until someone hurts us in any way. Once they do hurt us, we have the right to hurt back, and we bite back with a vengeance. The other scientists who had sent the specialists wondered what happened to the others that were not there. How could we get them back and fend off the Evo-Humans? This is where my story intermingles with theirs. This book tells of a battle long forgotten in books lost. It starts after my sister -Rikastashia or Rika- and I were hatched.

The loss of part of the team of specialists sent to Earth was a devastation to our family because my mother's twin sister, Crystelshia, was head of that team. The King and Queen of the Royal Family Auric had sent formal apologies to the families of the lost Dragons. Our family was one of the first to know because we had a tie with the Royal Family. My father was the Guardian of the Dragon Crystal that was our link to the Great Mother/Goddess and a mysterious link to our powers. My mother was the captain of the Royal Armada. Yes, the females had equal status with the males and there is equality among us, unlike humans. Which meant that if a single female ruled she would be called King as a title not as a gender status. If a male and female ruled then they were called King and Queen. (Male=King, Female= Queen. One ruler male/female=King.) When my parents -who were Chestalia and Crystalshia otherwise known as Chester and Crystal- had received the message, my reaction was to develop an extreme prejudice against the Evo-Humans for the outrage caused by them and for the slaughter of innocent Dragons. It was then that I pledged to find the lost Dragons and end this stupid war. In my mind I could do it, little did I know my true part in this story.


Our species of Dragon -or rather, Dragoshians for I lived on Dragoshia at that time in my life spectrum- are gentle by nature, kind, caring, and nurturing creatures. But when threatened or hurt in any way we become violent, hostile and destructive. We could destroy anything in sight like wild animals if hurt that badly. Thus is our nature, as humans often say but never do, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In this case if someone has wrongfuly hurt you you have the right to return that pain in any form. Such is our nature. Treat us the way you want to be treated and we shall return that kindness ten fold...this is also the same with anger and pain. There is only one situation in which we cannot control ourselves due to human-dragon hybrids. In the full moon of Draigos we become like wild animals, thos of us that are dragon-human hybrids that is. They become like a wild animal, hunting until they kill...sometimes for the hunt, other times for the blood. But to get to the point.

Not all of us are as kind and caring, some of us become evil or corrupted. Those that do become evil or corrupted are either punished, put in solitude, exiled or executed depending upon their crimes done unto our society of Dragons. There are some dragons in between who are good and can at other times be cruel and become piqued when they are unable to withstand a large amount of certain emotions such as anger, stress or violence. I am one of those dragons, or close to it. I was very curious and explorative, seeking adventure wherever it may be. Often time it found me instead. When I am severely irritated I become somewhat violent and harsh. Due to my aunt trapped on Earth and all the devastation done to Mother Dragoshia by the Evo-Humans I had begun to think that all humans should be destroyed and would stop at nothing to see that "dream" come true by saving the lost dragons and ending the Great Devastation between the two waring species. The only thing stopping me was my age and my younger sister, Rika. Rika believed the Evo-Humans should be given a chance, observed and analized. Then we would see it wasn't their fault, it was their nature to seek shelter and make it their own. If that was true then why are they trying to wipe out the whole dragon race? Rika would bicker with me hours on end to no avail. We both had a good point of view but could not come to an agreement for some reason. The point she would always bring up would be that not all humans are bad and should be given a chance. In response to that I would ask have you ever seen a good human? She had not and thus the argument would continue. She would soon learn to doubt her views. Little did anyone know what would become of my so called dream and of my family and myself. Now I shall begin my story when and where it began and how I, as a child, began to learn to see things and situations from different perspectives.




Second Part of Chapter One.

WARNING! All here who read this must ask permission to use any of the characters seen here or any of the ideas. This is strictly copyrighted! Although permission to print is granted. E-mail me for any comments!
COMMENTS/Problems: Lady_Rika

For any other questions on problems NOT related to this story e-mail: Selana ORCrovax Because they helped me do this and make this whole thing possible!
And ESPECIALY Psyconias! Thank you, all of you!