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Copy Right © Lauren Dyer


#1 Ch. 2

Tanna's Tale



Warning!/Disclaimer: This story is a short view at one point in this character's life and not meant to be taken seriously. The characters Tannaktashia, Crystalshia, Chestalia, Rika -sister to Tanna in this story-, the Elemental, Trista, Skye, and Midnite belong to me. Any other mention of any other character or person not mentioned here does not belong to me by means of Copy Right. It's all legal and if it isn't then tell me! (I am still bonning up on the legal technicalities.)




Making New Friends



I left that night, for by the time I had finished gather the things I needed from the wooden crate, the sun had fully set. I had a long ways to go, and no one to help me. All before me was the dusty valley of the small mountain range and after that, green plains which were before the village, or what was left of it. To make it easier than walking across the hot sand, I flew. Flying is not as simple as you humans would make it. You have to stay with the wind currents and keep yourself level or be thrown into a constant spin which is excruciatingly hard to get out of. If there is no wind at all then use the old flapping method which can tire after a while. There was little wind this night so it was very tiring. The lack of wind forced me to land for the night in the grassy plains. At least I had gotten that far, past the blustering deserts which no human could survive without some mode of transportation.

The night skye was beautiful, the moon rising above the clouds made it seem magical. The green floating around with the blue on the moon's surface appeared as if it were moving. The time would come in some years that the Moon would orbit close to Dragoshia and the Elementals would come forth and choose a dragon to be changed to join those dragons that protect all three planets. Not many know the name of that clan of dragons, we only know that they are here to protect us. Since there were few trees or any sort of foliage on the plains I was forced to pick and choose. There weren't many tall trees to choose so I picked one that was fairly tall but lacking in any greenery. I am not sure why I chose it, but it made me feel safe in an odd sort of way. A blanket I had taken with me gave me warmth. I spent the night by the trunk of that tree under the night skye.


I awoke to bright sun shinning in my face as shadows of leaves were scattered across the ground. How can this be? Last night there were no leaves on that tree! Now the tree is bursting with lush green leaves! I can think of no way to explain it other than my influence. Nothing left to do but pack up and continue towards the closest village. Before leaving I sat down and made a small meal of what little sustenance I had. As I ate, something in the horizon caught my eye. It was some sort of animal, couldn't really distinguish it, its form too hazy. My body remained still, the creature came slowly closer as it searched for food. The closer it came, the more I could make it out. It looked like a cross between a Dragon-Dog and Cat-Dragon, or rather a mutt. A very messed up mutt. It had the whiskers and mane of a cat, but the eyes and nose of a dog and body of a land-air dragon, scaly and olive green. Slowly, my arm outstretched to offer it a piece of meat. Warily it came closer, sniffing the air. As it came close to me I could detect the flashing reflection of a tag. I managed to coax it within arms reach and open my hand to offer it the piece of meat. The animal sucked it down and looked at me for another piece. Its eyes were large and brown, so cute and innocent seeming. I took it by the collar and read the metallic tag.

P>"Midnite. Silviathe collar was blue with a red Vocal Crystal.

"So, you belong to someone in Silvia?"It shook its head, which to me meant that person or owner is now dead.

"You poor thing! All alone here with no one..." I trailed off. I gave it another piece of meat and stood.

"My name is Tanna. Would you like to come with me, Midnite?" It shook its head, eager to have someone to follow.

"Then come on, I"m heading out." I bent down to pat its head.

"What are you?" I asked as if it could answer.

"Female." What was that? Was that her?


" can speak?"

"No, I think." Of, course! Telepathy! That and the Vocal Crystal allowed her to communicate telepathically as well. Enough! Time is wasting and I have to keep going.

"Then what you waiting for?"

"I haven't a clue Midnite. Let's go." My wings spread to take me into the air, but a thought crossed my mind which stopped me.

"Can you fly on those wings?"

"No." Then we walk, and off we go.


We traveled for several days, each village we passed decimated, burnt to the ground by those malicious Evo-Humans. But each village, burnt to ashes as it were, gave something from the rubble, something to remember it by. The only thing that remained from each village, were two flags, one that was the village flag, the second one was the same, but was for messages that were sent and the second flag was to represent the village. I took the second flag from each village and put it in my "Spell Bag." Other than the flags, there were some remnants of food, or items that could be made of use, and I took those too. At one village the ashes, although days old, still held the heat within the piles due to the fact that the village was built on foundations of fire rock to keep the houses warm. We were forced to use the runes Kenaz to protect ourselves. (You can't walk around a village, they are built so that you must walk through them to continue. If you do walk around, you most likely get lost in the forests or area where that village is.) Our village community was preparing to leave for the Elementals but the Evo-Humans got us first...all but me.

One village we reached had a community pond, large enough to be a lake, but not to big that it wasn't a pond. In the distance I could see several -what humans call- "Lochness" Dragons. They resembled the Earthen Lochness Monster, but we called them Seanagons, a scientific name for Sea-Dragons. I called to them but none came close for fear of attack. I didn't blame them, the Evo-Humans had psychologically damaged them too. Like they did Midnite, killed her owners and left her homeless.

Eventually we passed her village, Silvia, where Silvian cloth is made. All the Silvian plantations and houses were they raise and care for the cloth were burnt to the ground, the ashes of the clothing intermixed with the ruble. Midnite looked everywhere for her family, I forced myself out to the edge of the village so as not to cry again. Finally, after an hour of her searching, she returned to me, saddened.

"Family not here...why?" Slowly, I turned my face to her.

"Because, they are gone..."

"They at the place we going to?" Her innocence ceased to amaze me, yet saddened me.


"Where are they?" I pleaded that her questions would stop, that I wouldn't have to answer them. I forced myself to answer this one question.

"Because, Midnite, they are dead." She tilted her head, she couldn't understand.

"I'll explain it to you when you're older. Her eyes plaintive and sad, it almost broke my heart to see it.


After Silvia were grass lands, empty, barren grass lands. No doubt cleaned out by the Evo-Humans, the animals killed for food, or out of hatred. There were no pools of dried blood that I could see. We seemed to walk for hours, the miles lost to me. Midnite lagged behind me, the pads on her feet sore.

For three days we had traveled, we passed five villages, all burnt to the ground. Five flags I had collected from Tyros, Syri, RedRock -because of the foundations built from FireStones- Silvio, and Silvia sister village to Silvio, both produced the famous cloth. I'd never been to any of these villages, but I lived in Tyros, my family famous due to its ties with the Royal Family. Other items I collected were more blankets, some food in metallic fire proof containers, a large shard of FireStone from RedRock village, one bottle of strange bluish-pink powder, another bottle of pinkish-blue powder, and a flask of sparkling water. In Sylvia I found a bottle of red-orange liquid I dared not drink.

"Tanna, I tired."

"I know you are, Midnite. So am I. We'll stop soon as I find a place to rest." Just as I spoke, a copse of tall trees came into view on the horizon.

"Stop there?" She asked in her primitive way of mind. Midnite could not really think complete sentences which I did not blame or dislike her for. She is what she is and I like her for that. I took her with me for she had no one else.

We rested in the middle of the copse. As she slept, I looked at a picture drawn by one of the village professionals of me and my family. I missed her fiercely, and hated the Evo-Humans more for killing her. The tears came, falling to the ground. I let the fall and watched as they crystallized with the dirt. Midnite awoke. Quickly I put the picture away.

"Tanna okay?" I had to hide my face to keep her from seeing my shame.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's go. I want to find this place soon, before I colapse." She brushed against my leg to comfort me...she knew and I left it at that. As I stood I could see something faint and hazy on the horizon.

"Come on, you ready?" She nodded and we headed out. We walked at our normal pace towards this outcropping on the horizon.


Several hours later we finally reached the Castle of the Elemental. As we approached the Castle doors, I noticed two dragons standing guard at the double doors. Both dragons appeared to be holding long staffs tipped with spear heads. Guards...I don't need this! Midnite, oblivious, continued towards the double doors and the fierce looking guards.

"Wait Midnite, those guards don't look too friendly." She didn't hear me and I had to run after her. I jumped to grab her hind legs, missed and fell face down in the dirt in front of both guards.

"Halt! Who are you? State you purpose here!" The guard on the left bellowed, aiming his spear at me. Shocked into silence I couldn't bring myself to speak.


"I...I...I..." Beads of sweat began to trickle down my forehead out of fear.

"Tanna! Your forehead, it glows!" I had become so nervous and fearful, that my forehead symbol -which only I had out of the rest of my family- began to pulsate with a yellow glow. The second guard on the right stepped up.

"Are you all right? Perhaps we should take you in to get you taken care of."

"Wait just a minute, what if she's one of...them." the first guard spoke, his spear still aimed at me. The second guard objected and an argument began. The first one looked at me with suspiscion, then continued bickering. Finally the second guard broke it off, pushed the other guard's spear aside, took me by the hand and helped me up. Grateful for understanding I took his hand and was led to the double doors. Resentful, the other guard opened the double doors with a key strung around his neck.

"Midnite! They're letting us in, come on!" She broke into a run to catch up with us. We were taken to the Captain of the guards. Both guards converesed back and forth with the Captain in a strange language. The Captain glanced at me, his expression stern. In that quick glance his gaze turned from stern suspicion to surprise. My presence startled him. I was then taken to "The Master" or that was what I could make out what they spoke in their strange language. Apparently this "Master" would solve this matter. At least that is what I gleaned from their thoughts. Now to find out who this "Master" is or would I meet a worse fate?


Chapter Three

WARNING! All here who read this must ask permission to use any of the characters seen here or any of the ideas. This is strictly copyrighted! Although permission to print is granted. E-mail me for any comments!
COMMENTS/Problems: Lady_Rika

For any other questions on problems NOT related to this story e-mail: Selana OR Crovax Because they helped me do this and make this whole thing possible!
Psyconias too!