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Copy Right © Lauren Dyer and Lisa Danek
We take responsibility for this page, but each person
has a Copy Right to their own quote(s).


Web Page Quotes


WARNING!!! This page has violent content, refference to sex, drugs, violence and other "bad" things children under 15 should not see and is unsuitable for children.(PG13) If you are under 15, TURN AWAY NOW! (Like I care.)

These are all quotes from our friends on and off of chat, in and out of real life. In real life and on the net from Alamak Chat.(Qoutes said by people we know.) With their permission we have posted them!


Disclaimer: All these quotes were legally achieved/gotten with the permission of each person. So you can't say you didn't say what is on here because we ASKED for your permission!




A. C. = Alamak Chat
If there is an E-mail in place of a name it is because we did not or ould not get the name.
If you now who sad it tell us!



"Bad" Quotes

(Otherwise known as "Gothic Quotes" or random spurts from the insanity of the mind and such. Quotes about anything, morose, macabre, morbid, or anything else that is NOT happy or has anything to do with the good quotes. Let yourself go and be free! Liberation is the key!)
NOTE: Curse words may be subject to censoring, but you get the ain idea. Considering this is the only quotes page that allows curse words!

"Ask me if I care, go ahead, ask me. Just the act of asking me proves that I don't (care) because if you are fool enough to ask me then obviously I don't care!"

-Lady_Rika from A.C.


"The Soul is the window to all your evilness and goodness. I leave it halfway open so that only half the time I am good and the rest of the time I am bad."

-Also Lady_Rika


"Shut yo mouth(er) before I put the smack down on you!"

-Karl Butler from High School


"I'll take your finger, shine it real good, turn it around, and shove it up your candy @$$!"

-Also Karl Butler


"I'm nothing and everything all at once...I have no shape, no color, no taste, no smell...I'm just writings on the wall."

-GothicEmbrace on A.C.


"Lift up the self by the self and don't let the self droop down, for the self is the self's only friend and the self is the self's only foe..."

-Also GothicEmbrace


"Fear is the only thing that separates you from the one with the weapon and the one without (the weapon)."

-Selana from A.C.


"My ally is fear. It brings to me all bad people. Thieves, murderers, scoundrels and all matter of evil."


Love is a harsh mistress who often likes to crush you like a bug."

-Crovax from A. C.

"Spank me and see what happens! I am a fool to the mistress of love!"

- also Crovax

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