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Copy Right © Lauren Dyer and Lisa Danek
We take responsibility for this page, but each person
has a Copy Right to their own quote(s).


Web Page Quotes


These are all quotes from our friends on and off of chat, in and out of real life. In real life and on the net from Alamak chat.(Qoutes said by people we know.) With their permission we have posted them!


Disclaimer: All these quotes were legally achieved/gotten with the permission of each person. So you can't say you didn't say what is on here because we ASKED for your permission!




A. C. = Alamak Chat
If there is an E-mail in place of a name it is because we did not or ould not get the name.
If you now who sad it tell me!

NOTE: THIS IS the in between quotes, no bad stuff here, or at least no cuss words, but there are loop holes, such as insinuation, inuendo and hinting at, but you can't be obvious!

In Between Quotes AKA, Euphemisms/Shout Outs/Random Quotes, etc.:

(These are quotes where we couldn't really tell the difference or can't really say they are good or bad, they just are. We suppose they are lessons in life, in a way. These quotes are clean though.)


"I do not regret the things I've done, but those (things) I did not do."

Written on the back of the back pack of Maria Graciano From My High School.


"Stupidity is when ignorance grows up and goes to college."

-Javier Arista (The "J"is pronounced as an "H")


"Trust yourself and your instincts! Never let yourself go bad, or you're gonna go downhill, trust me!"

-CrimsonWolf on A. C.

"If you can't be right, be wrong louder than anyone else!"

-Also CrimsonWolf

"Be good. Be Bad. Just be yourself."

-Zanitek from A.C.

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