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Copy Right © Lauren Dyer and Lisa Danek.
We take responsibility for this page, but each person
has a Copy Right to their own quote(s).


Web Page Quotes


These are all quotes from our friends on and off of chat, in and out of real life. In real life and on the net from Alamak chat. With their permission we have posted them!


 Disclaimer: All these quotes were legally achieved/gotten with the permission of each person. So you can't say you didn't say that cause we ASKED for your permission!





A. C. = Alamak Chat
If an E-mail is inserted instead of a name it is because we did not or could not get that person's name.
If you know who the person is, TELL US!


"Good" Quotes:

(Any and all quotes from people about life, love, liberty and all the stuff in between that and happy things. Yuck. One thing, NO SEX IN THE CHAMPAGNE ROOM HERE! This is NOT the Champagne Room here! Keep your quotes free of reference to drugs, alcohol, sex, violence or any other non-happy thing. Pleasure from that act does not count if the act is bad!)


"Life is not always a bowl of cherries, but often a field of dasies!"

-Selana from A.C.


"There isn't such a thing as life isn't fair. Everyone gets what they deserve! Life is always fair."

-Suicide_Angel on A. C.


"To love and be loved is the most magic and beautiful gift that the All Mighty could give us. It goes further than flesh and bones, when you love someone and that person loves you, your souls melt together and become one, reaching the natural balance, the Ying and yang. This feeling can't be explained but everyone meets it at its proper time."

-Dedication to Suicide_Angel from her boyfriend.


"What you can't get you don't have."

-Joseph Garbarini


"May the force be with you and always let it bring happiness and love."

"When something is out of reach all you have to do is stretch for it."

-Joseph Garbarini (9/24/99)

"The sun, the moon, the stars, and the sky, none which compare to the look in your eye..."

DreamWolf at A.C.

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