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Copy Right © Lauren Dyer


Story Poems



"A Dragon's Tale"


Protect them we must as his kind vowed to do,

but still not caring they would gore him through.

Dragons were old when humans were new,

and now, as then, their kind don't remain.

Even if they knew he'd still be slain.

Stories told of them long forgotten.

"Just legends, fairy tales" said once to often.

I know the truth, this dark secret I hold, (hide)

the legends are true, all these years we've lied!

Some spirits still remain, yet hide from you,

lest the be caught, (and) kept in a zoo.

A mistake you've made, too proud to admit,

I say it's your problem, you caused it!

The truth of what really happened, only I know.

I wouldn't tell (you), this goes to show,

that it's your fault, I'm the last to go.

My story has been kept throughout the ages,

never ever to be written upon human pages.

I'd watch out, their spirits wait, it's true.

Waiting for their turn, their chance to get YOU!

-The Last Dragon Alive






"The Dragon Solar System"



In the beginning there were two spirits, one Male, the other Female.


They lived together among the stars just floating about for years.


Then the Female spirit decided to join with the Male spirit and they made a Child-like Spirit. They Male spirit then created a sun for the other two spirits.


All (there) then transformed themselves into planets. The Male planet/spirit orbited around the Female spirit/planet while the Child orbited around them both.


Both the Female and the Child-like spirits/planets orbited around the sun. Each planet supported life, animals, plants, and mythical creatures, which they created.


` Eventually the Male planet/spirit became known as the Moon, which protectively orbited around the Female spirit/planet. The Child-like spirit/planet then became known as the third planet in the small protected Dragon Solar System. All three planets supported various mythical and mystical creatures along with people and plants.







For a better idea of this poem click Here.












Through the sky, air rushing through my hair.

Wings flapping, rising high.

The others follow as I lead them to safety.

The birds helps us get there, help me lead.

As we fly through the air with great speed.




"Dragons Child"

(Dragon(s) Child)


A child am I, trapped in a teenager's body.

My inner child locked in, was not allowed to "grow up."

My features preserved forever this way, as if I were 21 to this day.

I live with (Clan) L.I.W./A.D.* I have been accepted into their clan with great joy.

To be a L.I.W./A.Dian, to live forever and to help those in need.

Now that I am accepted I am able to grow to my prime age, so I could help the dragons, do my deed.

I protect the Unicorns with Shara at my side.**

I 21 and Tanna 25.*^*

She is the queen now and MoonBeam their King.

Together they, with L.I.W./A.D., help the sick and ailing.

Protect the planets and Moon, keep the peace and rule supreme.

I am one of them, I have proved myself to the King and Queen, my parents.

Psyconias, Trista, Skye, Tanna, Midnite, Shara and Rika too, I know them well, good friends we are true.

I am part dragon, part Human too, but I left the Humans long ago.

I will keep this form all my life, until my dying day. (If that ever happens.)

A Dragon Child I am, and forever will I stay.


* L.I.W./A.D. stands for Living Immortal White/Albino Dragons

**Shara is part wolf and part dog.

*^*Tanna=Tannaktashia. You can be friends -in a way- with your family too.












My life (was) destined for me the day I was born.

My path I can't turn from, even though I'm weary and worn.

This symbol upon my forehead meaning of great power.

Reminds me of my destiny every single hour.

Great powers I am to receive and not to use for wrong or to deceive.

The strength of my powers I cannot comprehend,

if I can use them often depends.

Now and then I look back upon the past,

and wonder how long my pain will last.

These powers I was given to help the sick and ill.

But how can I do this if I cannot use them at my (own) will?

My fathe is sealed, my planet no longer can I see,

is this what they meant by my destiny?

I'm trapped upon this Earth for the rest of my life so it may seem.

Of Ancient Dragons I dream.

I long to be back home with the ones I love.

But Humans keep me here like a caged Dove.

Laura is my (Human) name you see.

My pain always travels with me,

doesn't seem to end.

Perhaps I shall never find my eternal friend.

I try to find my way back home,

hoping that no longer shall I have to roam.




The Poems above were written dated back from 1997 to 1999. Since I have put them all on the page at once, and the net is a different thing, I dated it in the year 1999. The poems below are dated from 1999 to the current date, and so on.







The things that I do, the way that I act.

What do you think I am some sort of easy catch?

Who do you think you are talking dirty to me?

Are you out of your mind can you not see?

I am forbidden.

Mysterious, desirable, voluptuous, sinous.

Taken, but I belong to no one person.

I am currently with someone and that is your problem.





"Forbidden Too"


I am alone and ment to remain as such

I cannot feel, cannot see it is too much!

As much as I want you I cannot have you

Thus it must remain the same through and through.

Separated from my heart, it does not beat and will not start.

For you see I was born alone and will die alone

and so we must remain appart.

Love will always scorn me, so why do I try?

Fight and push my way, and keep on, to deny

I want you, love you still, but this is my fate

and I must accept it, to remain alone in darkeness


for eternity




"Let Go"


In my mind I am lost, set adrift by loves lost

In this sea of agony I am tossed.

One whom I thought was mine to be

is no longer here for me to see.

What I thought were words so true

were just that, words from you.

You told me that you loved me so

but you lied and I could not know.

If you loved me then why

did you let this love go by.

In my mind it has passed me

that someone keeps you from me.

Should this be so, I keep my distance

for I know you, you resist.

For if what words you spoke

be they truth, we would be.

But my heart you broke.




"Colors Of The Night"


Paint the sky with stars,

to discover who you are.

Nights a friend, no love to send...

so I paint the sky with stars.

What color will you chose?

For each color something new.

Each day the sun washes it away.

Each day I cry, I hate goodbyes.

Each time you leave, it seems I deceive.

Each time you go, my life I throw...

to the wind and in the sky.

Thus I paint, now you know why.

I paint the sky to hide my life.

I paint the sky to hide my soul.

No one I belong to, no man's wife.

I ask, for whom the bell tolls.

I chose to paint the sky with red...what color will you chose?

And what will it stand for?

Red means love, red means anger, red means blood.

What color will you chose?




"Lost In Pleasures, Broken Wings"

Time Passes, my mind goes,

shadows crawl, the wind blows.

All that happens passes me by,

all that happens, anything to fly.

Mind is gone, heart has stopped,

eyes are closed, mouth is locked.

No love dwells here, just pleasure,

no emotion(s) here, just good measure.

Lust, seduction, foreplay, sensual things,

one wrong decision that broke these wings.

A fallen angel (innocent), (and) broken inside,

I gave my life (and) now I (must) die.

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