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A Sign you see Before Entering my Temple!!!

The Balance of Darkness and Light
The Elemental who made this possible!

(A.K.A. Stories and Lamentations of the Morbid, Morose and Macabre.)
The combined Temples of Chaos (Lady_Rika) and Fire(Selana)

Things of Agony and Pain.
(Look into the fire, be mesmerized!)
(Also,the purple fire is a black flame! "Evil")
CLICK the flames!)

Read My Dreambook!
Sign My Dreambook! (Or Else!)

Me, the Many forms of Lady_Rika ( the character Laura in my stories)
(In Alamak I am known as Lady_Rika. In my stories that I wrote, I am known as the character Laura.)

Good: a.k.a. Good Rika/Laura
Evil: a.k.a. Evil Rika/Laura
Ancient Soul: a.k.a. Pandra combined with both the Good and Evil Rika/Laura
Hidden Sides of Rika
Good and/or Evil Ancient Soul/Pandra:
When Pandra combines with Evil or Good Rika/Laura
Inner Child:
When Rika/Laura feels or expreses extreme emotions, Inner Child surfaces. (The part of Rika/Laura that has is enclosed within the triumphrine.)
Good, Evil or Acient Soul Inner Child:
When Inner Child combines with Good, Evil or Ancient Soul/Padra Rika/Laura. If Inner Child surfaces with Pandra, she becomes a "Prodigy Child", but appers as the physical form of her child-like self. (When the Inner Child tries to break free of the protection of the triumphrine, one of the three surfaces with her, or Inner Child surfaces.)
Stone Statue:
When Rika/Laura shuts herself off from all, she retreats to her temple, sits on her throne in the temple and becomes a stone statue. (Rika/Laura can become this state in any of the forms above.)

Here are my stories so far, I will give the link of the first part of each chapter, you have to find your own way out!!!

Tanna's Tale
Chapter One: Part One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Reminicence a.k.a. Laura's Lesson

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Pictures of my friends and of those who requeted a picture from me.

CrimsonWolf (color)

!UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.!Temporarily Disbanded!
NEW GROUPS on the web page AND on Six Degrees!( membershp is FREE!
ALSO Delphi!Both memberships are FREE. Big deal.

ALL of the above group listings for UNRULY have been temporarily disbanded!!

A pair of eyes

watch you from the darkness
and a chirp sounds from the emptiness

Suddenly! The sound of flapping wings surrunds you and a spark ignites which gives off light, revealing the creature!

A Pheonix hovers before you, and the Wolf crouches in the back...watching...Guarding

WARNING! "Bad" Quotes has content unsuitable for children under 15!
NEW! Quotes of the Macabre, Morose
and anything else that is horrible about life.
(Otherwise known as, "Bad" Quotes.)

ALSO HERE: The "Good" things in life, if any...
Either Quotes The sayings in between bad and good.

All this below was taken from The Brunching Shuttlecocks

Daily Quotes of the Morose and Macabre.

A Quote

The Weather in Hell.

The Weather in Hell

Tina the Troubled Teen

Tina the Troubled Teen

Here is how long I have to live if I survive that long!

Morty the Death's Head

This is where the tests/questions/games come in. HAVE FUN!

The Empowering Oracle
Ask The Oracle!

The Ten Question Purity Test. (Think Commandments.)
Take The Test

The "Sex" Game. Be careful now!( It is not all what it sounds like.)
Play The Game

The 100-Question (Sex) Parody Test! You'll die laughing!

The "Who Died and Made you King/Queen!?" Quiz!
So you wanna be King/Queen?

Archive Search!
Search Their Archives!

The "All Knowing" Oracle!
Ask and you shall be answered!

Another "test". Find out if you are God, or are a God/Goddess!
Can you Smite?

Automated Philosophy
Get your info!

The Inbedded Text Generator
Inbed me!

Find out what your name stands for!
What's my name again?


My Shared Page With Selana and Crovax. UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
Psyconias' Palace
L.I.W./A.D. Home Base
Zanitek, Aria and Blite's page of Non-Reality
Page About Dragons
Page About Art

All these pages are works in progress because my crew has abandoned me and left me to do it myself, sometimes them come around but not much. For other links to other pages related to me, go to those pages they will have all the links.

My Own Little Certificate! Thank you Brunching Shuttlecocks!

E-mail us for any comments, complaints, suggestions or other stuff!
Zanitek, Blite and Aria

Before you can leave, a Dragon approaches you. You stand, suspended by fear as My pet Dragon roasts you alive! *Evil Laugh* MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!

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This site owned by Lady_Rika and Selana!
OR Selana
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