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"Dance With Me" By Em

This is the third of three sequels to my story “Dancing.”

WARNING: The following story is rated NC-17. If you are underage, please turn back now. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex and raw language, please read no further.

Thank you to my beta, Jena, for the title idea.

Comments can be sent to No flames, please. I’m very tenderhearted.


Todd waited on the couch as he listened to Twyla draw a bath. He was both nervous and uncomfortable. His silk shorts were sticky and clinging.

What am I doing here, he thought to himself. I don’t even know this woman, and I’m waiting here for her to bathe me like a child? I can’t do this.

He stood up to leave, grabbing his shirt and jacket. He hoped to sneak out before she came back. Too late.

“Where are you headed? The bathroom’s this way,” she said as she took his hand. She led him down a narrow hall and into her bathroom lit only by candles. Dozens of them. She closed the door behind them.

A large, antique claw footed tub took up the entire back wall of the room. It was filled with steamy scented water.

“I didn’t think you were the bubble bath type. I hope you’re not disappointed.”

I, uh…No. Not at all.” He couldn’t tear his eyes from the tub. Do I really want to do this, he asked himself.

Twyla pulled the shirt and jacket from his hand, dropping them on the floor. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and circled his pecs before dropping her hands to his zipper.

She felt his entire body stiffen in discomfort.

“Do you want to do this?” she asked uncertainly. “We can stop, if you want.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I’m kinda nervous. I’m not very, um, experienced,” he admitted. He could feel his face flush.

“Could’ve fooled me,” she said as she placed a gentle, reassuring kiss on the back of his shoulder. “Turn around. Look at me.” He did as he was told. “You trusted me once before. I don’t know why, but you did. And I trust you. I feel comfortable with you. For some weird reason, we have some kind of connection. At least, I think we do. Do you feel it, too?”

“Yeah. Actually, I do. I felt it the very first time we met.”

“Then I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want to do or aren’t ready for. You can tell me to stop at any time. You can leave right now, if that’s what you want, and I won’t hold it against you.”

She gave him time to think about what he wanted; she hoped he wanted to stay. She had big plans for him.

He looked directly into her eyes, trying to detect the slightest hint of deception or danger and found none. He knew she was telling him the truth; he knew he could trust her. Trust was a new concept for him. There were only three people in the world he trusted: his sister, his daughter, and his shrink. And now Twyla. He relaxed considerably.

“I’m a little sticky. I could use a bath,” he said with a sexy smirk.

Twyla smiled in relief. “Then let’s get you cleaned up.”

She turned him back away from her, kneading his shoulders lightly to make sure he was relaxed. His muscles loosened even further under her expert touch.

When she felt he was ready, she slipped her hands under his arms once again and caressed his chest. The hairs there were fine and very soft. But his pecs were smooth and hairless. She traced them delicately, outlining the muscles she found there. She avoided his nipples for now. She didn’t want him too aroused yet.

Slowly, she rubbed her hands down his torso, across his well-defined abdomen, to the top of his slacks. Pausing for a moment, she waited to see if he protested again. When he showed no signs of stopping her, she continued.

She pulled the belt from the buckle, sliding it from the pant loops at an unhurried pace. When it was free, she held it before him, dangling it for a second before dropping it to the floor. Next she undid the button on his trousers and circled his naval briefly. He snickered quietly. Twyla stored away another piece of information for later use: Todd is ticklish.

After teasing him for a few seconds, she slowly began to drag his zipper down. The sound echoed throughout the small, high-ceilinged room. She placed her hands on his hips underneath his pants and pushed them down until they fell to the ground on their own. She couldn’t help but notice he was wearing black silk boxers, the same as before. He must have known how much they turned her on.

She slid her hands over his ass, fondling it. It was tight, high and firm. She wanted to sink her teeth into it. Later, she thought to herself.

Keeping one hand on his butt, she walked in front of him and looked into his bright, hazel eyes. The light from the candles flickered in them, emphasizing their gold flecks. He leaned down and kissed her deeply. He drew her bottom lip into his mouth, biting it lightly. His tongue danced with hers. He pulled her body closer to him. She reluctantly pulled away.

“I thought you said you needed a bath,” she whispered.

Languidly, she dropped to her knees, drawing her hands all the way down his legs. They were beautiful, she thought. Perfectly proportioned. She looked up at him and smiled seductively before unzipping his boots. She prodded him to lift first one foot, then the other as she slipped them off. Next she disposed of his socks, then divested him of the pants pooling around his ankles.

She smoothed her hands all the way back up his legs and under the sides of his shorts. Grasping the waistband from the inside, she tugged them gently down until they, too, were pooled at his feet. He stepped out of them quickly. He stood before her naked. Ordinarily, he would have been embarrassed, but the look in Twyla’s eyes filled him with confidence and even a bit of pride. She apparently liked what she saw.

Rising, she grasped his hand and led him to the tub. She encouraged him to get in, which he did eagerly. He sank down into the warm fragrant water. It felt so comforting and relaxing.

“I’m going to wash your hair, too. It that okay?” She hoped it would be. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on that beautiful mane again.

He nodded his consent with a small, content smile on his face. Twyla picked up a small plastic bowl from the side of the tub and dipped it into the water. She poured it over the back of his head, making sure she didn’t get it into his eyes. When his locks were saturated, she filled her hand with baby shampoo and began to work it into a lather. Todd sighed and purred as she massaged his scalp. Once clean, she dipped the bowl into the water again and rinsed it thoroughly. It clung to his back, and the ends floated on top of the water.

Hair done, she turned her attention to his face. She sudsed a cloth with gentle soap and cleaned his face lightly. She wanted to ask him about the trace of a scar on his cheek but decided to save that conversation for a later time. She brought the soapy cloth down his throat as he leaned his head back for her. She traveled down his arms, paying particular attention to his palms. He moaned as she washed between his fingers. Underwater, she could see the beginning of another erection.

With his upper body clean, she rinsed him with her hands, enjoying the feeling of his wet skin beneath hers. She soaped the cloth once again to address his lower body.

She started with his hips and worked her way down the outside of his legs, before turning her attention to his inner thighs. Slowly, she inched her way up, almost reaching his pubic hair before stopping to wash the other thigh. By this time, Todd had leaned back, opening his legs as far as the tub would allow.

She ran the cloth around his erect cock, washing the coarse hair at the base first. Next, she dragged it across his balls, causing him to growl in pleasure. Finally, she stroked it up his hard penis, which was peeking out of the water. This made Todd gasp, and, even though he was trying hard to stay still, he couldn’t help but squirm.

Once again, Twyla rinsed him clean with her hands. She combed her fingers through the hair between his legs before running her fingers across, first one ball, then the other. At last, she grasped his slippery cock. She fondled it with care, enjoying the incoherent words Todd was moaning.

When she felt he was close to the edge, she took the base of his penis in her hands and held it tightly for a few moments until the urge to come had passed.

“Not yet,” she purred. “I have other plans for you tonight.”