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"Dancing Solo" By Em

This is the first of three sequels to my story “Dancing.”

WARNING: The following story is rated NC-17. If you are underage, please turn back now. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex and raw language, please read no further.

The characters of Todd, et al, do not belong to me; they belong to ABC-TV. I am merely borrowing them for a while. I am making no profit from this story.

Thank you to my beta, Jena, for her eagle eyes and her “oh, yeah!”

Comments can be sent to No flames, please. I’m very tenderhearted.

This is dedicated to my gutter sisters in Saturday night chat.


Todd’s new found self-assurance added a bit of spring to his step. He seemed to have a little more energy than usual. Viki noticed it right away during her last visit to New York. She was so proud of the progress he had made. She was happy to see that he was moving forward with his life. Although he had not confided everything in his sister, she knew something had wonderful had happened to him.

His therapist, Dr. Bowers, commented on his change of attitude, too. She had been working for over two years to instill a feeling of self-confidence in him. And all it took was one night with a dancer named Twyla to send him on his way.

They’d had an intense one-night stand. He still couldn’t believe his boldness; allowing himself to be seduced was not typical behavior. She had stayed until the morning. It felt good to wake up in someone’s arms again. But the awkwardness of the situation soon came between them. They each made their excuses and went their separate ways. Todd hadn’t seen her since that night. But she was always on his mind.

He had awakened early one morning; the sun had yet to make an appearance. As he lay alone in his large, four poster bed, his thoughts strayed once again to the woman whom he’d met a month ago. Her fiery red hair. Her soft, limber body. Her intense brown eyes.

He remembered the exquisite feeling of being inside her. Not only did he have the pleasure of making love again, but he reveled in the feeling of letting someone else be in control. It felt good to let go.

As he recalled the intense feeling of pleasure, his hand strayed to his right nipple. Unconsciously, he began to roll it between his thumb and finger, imagining it was Twyla fingering him. His eyes were closed. He brought his other hand up to his chest, carding his fingers through his chest hairs. Then he began tweaking his other nipple until both were hard nubs.

Slowly, he slid his right hand down his torso, following the line of soft, dark hairs to the waistband of his silk boxers below his navel. He paused there for a moment before continuing down to his semi-erect cock. He stroked himself lightly through the silky material while he continued to rub his left nipple.

His breathing became shallow as he remembered his night of passion with the brazen dancer. Eventually, he needed more contact. He hooked both his thumbs into his shorts and slid them down his hips and onto his thighs.

With his erection free, he began stroking it in earnest as he replayed images of Twyla in his mind. His body temperature rose so he threw off the bed covers. He moaned and spread his thighs slightly. While he was pumping his right hand up and down his cock in a fast, firm rhythm, he began fondling his balls with his left, kneading and pulling them. It didn’t take him long to reach climax. His back arched off the bed in release. As his spasms quieted, he took a deep breath before heading to the bathroom to wash the semen off his body.

This had become an almost daily event for Todd. He was afraid he was becoming obsessed with the dancer and had voiced his concerns with Dr. Bowers. She assured him that it was natural to have these feelings since Twyla had been his first sexual encounter in several years. She encouraged him to start dating again; she felt he was ready. But the only woman he seemed interested in was Twyla. He was determined to find her once again.