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Todd rolled over and winced. He struggled into a sitting position. That’s when he saw the note. He snatched it up and read.

You have such a sweet little girl, Manning. A real juicy little peach. How loud do you think she can scream, huh?

I’d love to find out.

You have until the end of the day to produce what was taken from me. If you don’t then I’ll have the pleasure of killing your lover…slowly and painfully. Afterall, she’s nothing but a slut traitor, and I have no use for her. As for Starr, well…maybe I’ll kill her, or maybe I’ll just disappear with her. You’ll never know what happened to her, Todd.

Think you can live with that?

I’ll contact you with instructions; don’t even think of fucking me over, or you’ll live long enough to see your kid and that bitch die.



Todd felt a roaring in his head. He sprang to his feet and swayed dizzily. Black fury infused his blood like a toxin. He took a deep breath as an icy calm descended over him. He walked out of the forest and stepped onto the deserted ice rink.

Starr’s pink scarf lay on the frozen pond. Todd bent down and picked it up. He brought the material up to his nose and breathed in her scent. His eyes filled with tears. His baby was in the hands of a murdering drug dealer. Christian Gaines was a dead man; Todd would now kill anyone who got in his way. He stuffed the scarf into his coat pocket and walked to his ride.


Todd drove no more than a mile when his cell phone rang.

“Where’s my daughter and Karinna?” The words were precise and snapped off at the end.

“Where’s the information that was stolen from me?” Christian replied back coolly.

“Fuck you,’ Todd snarled. “I’m not giving you shit unless you let them go.”

Christian’s laughter rang out in Todd’s ear. “I think you got zapped with that Taser a little to long, asshole. I’m the one who’s in control here, not you. If you want to see them alive you’ll do exactly as I tell you, do you understand me?”

Todd gripped the phone tightly. “I can’t wait to kill you,” he whispered. “I’m coming for you, Gaines…and when I find you I’m gonna blow you away.” His voice was a sibilant hiss, the hatred he felt radiated from the inside out.

There was a slight pause. Christian was well aware of how dangerous Manning was. “I’ll call you in exactly thirty minutes and tell you where to meet me.” The connection went dead.

Todd threw the phone across the car and made it to the cabin in record time. He cautiously made his way inside the cabin. The P7 was up and ready. He stepped across the living room. The fine hairs on his arm stood on end. He stood transfixed with horror.

“Rosa…” he whispered.

The old woman was motionless on the floor. Her throat had been cut from ear to ear. The blood was a dark purple color; it pooled beneath her and had already begun to congeal.

Todd dropped to his knees and hung his head. He began to hyperventilate. “Rocket,’ he called faintly. There was no way the animal could have been alive, Rocket would have torn Rosa’s killer limb from limb. He stood unsteadily to his feet and rapidly searched the house. “Rocket!” He yelled. Tears were choking him; Rosa was the sweetest woman he’d ever met. She was like a mother to both he and Starr.

Todd entered his daughter’s bedroom and saw the dog. He was stretched out on his back; his tongue was lolling out of his mouth. Todd hunched down and felt him; he was warm and still breathing. That’s when he noticed two small burn marks on the dog’s belly. “Gabriel,” Todd snarled. He used the Taser on the animal and then murdered Rosa.

Todd shook the dog gently. “Come on, Rocket,” he whispered through his tears and rage. “Come on, boy…wake up, please…wake up.” The dog stirred and whimpered softly. Todd stood and went into the bathroom and filled a glass of water. He hunched back down and spilled some on the dogs face and muzzle. Rocket immediately opened his eyes. His pupils were dilated. Todd nuzzled the dog’s face with his own. “Come on, buddy…I need you. Please be okay.”

Rocket struggled to his feet and walked gingerly, he was still dazed but recovering rapidly.

The phone ringing didn’t even register in Todd’s consciousness until about the tenth ring. He strode to the phone and snatched it up.


“The old bitch was just a little reminder of what’ll happen if you try and screw me over.”

“You fucking animal,” Todd said in a tight, controlled voice.

“Spare me the dramatics, Manning. She was just the hired help. I want you to meet me at 4270 Vista Lake Drive in two hours, you got that?”

“Yeah, I got it,” Todd laughed. It was dark and sinister sounding. “Enjoy the next two hours of your life, Gaines. “Cause I won’t allow you to live on this planet after today.”

“Whatever,” Christian said in a bored tone. “Don’t keep me waiting.” The phone went dead.

“Motherfucker,” Todd snarled. He ripped the phone from the wall and threw it across the room. He took a deep breath and got himself under control.

He quickly walked into the garage and opened the trunk to the Jag. He pulled out the large nylon duffel and walked into his bedroom. He methodically began to remove his clothes.

He changed into heavy jeans, army boots and a tight green thermal shirt. He strapped on his gun belt and grabbed his P7. He screwed a silencer on the end of it. He slipped that, along with his .45, into the belt, fitting them snugly under his arms. He produced a wicked looking Bowie knife, and placed it in a fitted pocket on the side of his boot. He pulled his hair back into a sleek ponytail and expertly tied a dark green bandanna around his head.

He began to apply Cammo makeup on his face. The effect was frightening. His eyes glowed like an animals through the dark and light green face paint.

Satisfied with his appearance, he pulled on a flack jacket. He loaded the pockets with matches, trip wire, throwing stars, concussion grenades, clips, night goggles and ammo for the Remington.308.

Todd slung the rifle over his shoulder. He took one last glance at himself in the mirror before he left. The man staring back at him was unrecognizable. He looked dangerous and cold. He turned away and walked downstairs. He made one last stop before he left. He produced a key and unlocked a closet in the hallway. In it, was a silver crossbow with steel tipped arrows. Todd reached in and pulled it out. He also had some special customized tips made up. He carefully loaded those in his pocket as well. He adjusted the crossbow comfortably over his shoulder, whistled for Rocket, and then quietly left the cabin through the back door. He glanced at his watch. He knew exactly where Vista Lake Drive was. He knew these woods like the back of his hand.

Gaines and his thugs didn’t, and that was his only advantage over them at this point. He began hiking through the dense forest. It’d take him just under an hour to reach the remote area. That would give him plenty of time to prepare.


Karinna sheltered Starr against her chest and tried to keep the hysterical child calm. “Shhh…it’s okay, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you,” Karinna whispered.

“I am scared,” Starr cried. “I want my Daddy. I don’t like it here.”

Karinna fought back tears. “I know you do, Starr. I want him too. Please, just try not to cry. It’s very important that you stay quiet, honey.” They were locked in a windowless bedroom with no possible way of escape. Karinna tamped down the rising panic that threatened to engulf her. Gabriel, as it turned out, was dirty and working for Christian.

He came out of nowhere and grabbed Starr. Karinna fought him with all her strength. She tugged on Starr and tried to wrest her out of Gabriel’s arms. Starr was screaming hysterically. Gabriel pulled out a Taser and threatened to use it on the child if Karinna didn’t stop fighting him. Karinna had no choice. She went with him willingly.

He blindfolded the both of them and they drove for what seemed like an eternity. Karinna held the scared and shaking child in her arms and rocked her, gently humming to her. They removed the blindfolds after they had entered the large house.

Christian’s thugs were everywhere. There must have been ten of them in the living room alone. All were killers…all were sliding their eyes over her and Starr like fresh meat. Karinna picked up Starr and held her protectively to her chest. She glared at the men, her green eyes flat, hard, and full of loathing. She’d die before she’d allow one of them to touch a hair on the head of Todd’s child.

Gabriel smirked and pored himself a shot of whiskey. “Don’t even think of doing anything stupid, Karinna. I don’t need to remind you of what’ll happen.”

Karinna turned and looked at her childhood friend with contempt. “You make me sick,” she spat venomously. “How much money did Christian offer you to turn on your government and your country? You have no honor, Gabriel. You’re a sick little drug dealer, just like Christian.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes and lifted a bored eyebrow. “Nice little speech coming from the whore who used to juggled his books. You’re no better, sweetheart.”

Karinna set her jaw. “Don’t you dare compare me to you. We’re nothing alike.”

Gabriel threw back his head and laughed condescendingly. “Whatever, baby. Go ahead and think that, if it eases your conscious.”

He stopped laughing abruptly. “Come on,” he snapped.

Karinna licked her dry lips. “Where are we going?” Inside she was quaking with fear. Starr’s life was in peril. Please, God…let Todd be alive. Please let him get us out of here.

Gabriel grabbed her arm. “Shut up. I’m sick of hearing your big mouth.”

He tugged her and Starr along and threw them into a bedroom. Starr struggled out of Karinna’s arms and whirled around. She glared at Gabriel. “I hate you!” She screamed. Her father’s hazel eyes blazed in her small face. “When my Dad comes, your gonna be sorry you were mean to us!” Her little body was trembling with rage. She wasn’t scared at all, she was furious.

Gabriel chuckled. “Oh yeah? Say’s who, Chiquita? You?” Starr kicked him sharply in his shin. Then smiled in enjoyment when Gabriel grunted in pain.

“Why you little brat…” He hunched down in front of her and pointed his finger at her. “If you do that again I’ll… Owww! Jesus Christ!” He shrieked.

Starr had bit down hard on his finger. She lifted a cool eyebrow. “My Daddy says it’s impolite to point your finger at someone.” She set her jaw and glared at him. She looked wise beyond her years, and as tough as nails. Gabriel nursed his injured finger and gritted his teeth. That little witch was her father’s kid all right. Before he could retaliate his beeper went off. He looked at Starr sourly. “You’re lucky I have to get this or I would have put you over my knee, kid.”

Starr tossed her head and planted two tiny fists at her sides. “Oh, I am sooo scared, mister.”

Karinna scooped Starr up. “Please, honey. Just leave it alone,” she whispered.

“Keep that brat quiet or else,” Gabriel snapped. He stalked out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

Starr buried her head in Karinna’s neck. “My Daddy’s coming to get us, right, Karinna?” She whispered.

Karinna hugged the child tightly. “Right, Starr. He’s going to rescue the both of us,” she said through her tears. She would not allow herself to think anything differently. Todd was coming for them, she knew it…she felt it in her soul. Until then, all she could do was keep Starr safe.


Todd and Rocket made their way through the dense woods at a fast clip. He was about fifteen minutes from his destination and was making good time. He stopped for a minute to catch his breath. He unscrewed a canteen and took several pulls from it. The water ran down his chin and he wiped it with the back of his hand.

He hunched down and poured some water into the dog’s mouth. Rocket gratefully slurped it up. Todd petted Rocket on his flanks. “Good boy,” he whispered. Rocket’s ears pricked up and he growled deep at the back of his throat.

Todd carefully placed the canteen on the ground. He rose and pulled the P7 out of his jacket and spun around. He registered no emotion when he saw who it was. He kept the gun trained at the head of his enemy.

Darcy was maybe ten feet from him. She was outfitted in Army fatigues. She too, had Cammo face paint on. An AK47 assault rifle hung from her shoulder. Her jet fighter blue eyes were cool and staring. She had her .357 Magnum pointed straight at him.

The two of them stood silently waiting…watching to see which one of them was going to die.

To be continued…


Todd kept the gun steady and his gaze impassive. “Fancy meeting you here, friend,” he sneered.

Darcy gripped the butt of the .357 tightly. “I came to help you, Todd.” His harsh laughter interrupted her. “Gimme a fuckin break, wouldja? You must really think I’m a chump, Darcy. I’m surprised at you, you’re obviously losin’ it.”

“It’s the truth,” she said evenly. “I’m being blackmailed, Todd. Christian has my little sister. She’s only sixteen and innocent with it. I need to get her out of there.” She tried not to let the desperation in her voice show.

Todd shook his head. “I don’t believe a word out of your mouth. And for your information, they have Starr and Karinna. I swear to you, if they come to any harm, I’ll blow you away.” He was furious and under tight control.

“Oh my God! They took Starr?” Darcy put a trembling hand to her mouth.

Todd glared at her. “Don’t pretend like you didn’t know. Your good friend Gabriel murdered Rosa for no other reason than to prove a point. You make me sick. I hope all the money you’re never gonna spend was worth it.”

Darcy’s eyes filled with tears and she sank to her knees. The gun slipped out of her fingers as she wept. “I swear to you, Todd…I never meant to betray you. I never would…could n-never.” She bowed her head and let the tears come. “He took Kelly…and I…I’m all she has left. He’ll rape and kill her, she has no value to him at all.” She covered her face in her hands and sobbed.

Todd clenched his jaw. He had never seen Darcy cry…ever. He wanted to believe her so badly. She was his friend. She looked so small and vunerable.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath. He put his gun back in his holster and knelt in front of her. He pulled her into his arms and held her trembling body. “Shh…it’s okay, Darce.” He stroked her neck and kissed the side of her face.

She pulled back a little. “I swear on my honor Todd, that what I am telling you is the truth.”

He held her face in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. She was telling the truth. He could see it in her eyes. His own filled with unshed tears. “I thought you’d turned on me,” he breathed. The hurt squeezed in his lungs making it difficult to speak.

She nodded her head. “I know you did. Do you know how hard it was for me to stand there and see the betrayal on your face? The hurt? If it’s any consolation I was dying bit by bit inside.”

Todd thumbed the tears off her cheeks. “How come you never told me you had a sister, Darcy?”

She shook her head. “It never really came up, and to be truthful Todd, you and I are in a dangerous business. I didn’t want anyone knowing what my weakness was. Kelly is it. She goes to a private catholic school up in Berkley. Christian’s men kidnapped her right off the campus. He told me that if I didn’t go along with what they had planned, he would rape and kill my sister.” He voice wobbled. “If she’s not already dead.”

Todd pulled her to her feet. “Don’t think that way. You won’t be productive if you do. Your sister is counting on you to keep it together. Don’t you think I wanna jump out of my skin?” He shook his head and tried to tamp down the panic that was just under the surface. “That animal grabbed my little girl and kidnapped her. I thank God she has Karinna to protect her.”

He laughed harshly. “Who the fuck am I kiddin’, huh? He used to beat the shit out Karinna and now he has her too. She can’t even protect herself, how she’s supposed protect, Starr?” His eyes filled with angry tears. Karinna was the other half of him now, and just thinking of Christian brutally raping her, sent him out of his head with fear.

He took a deep breath and forced the thought from his mind. “How many clips you got for the AK?”

“Five and that’s not including the .357,” Darcy said briskly. Icy calm descended upon her and she was in full soldier mode. “I also have a Bowie and a couple of live grenades.”

“Good. I have a bunch of stuff that I took from the ‘Frisco house. I’d be willing to bet that asshole has his whole crew there.”

“And you’d be right. How much time do we have?” Darcy was tying a green bandanna around her platinum hair. She looked cool, remote, and dangerous.

Todd glanced at his watch. “I’m supposed to meet with Gaines in an hour. We have time to set some things up.” He grinned whitely at his one true friend. “You ready to rock n’roll? Kick some ass?”

Darcy smiled like a hungry wolf. She spun the barrel of the .357 and flicked it back into place with a sharp snap. Then like a gunslinger from an old black and white, she twirled the heavy gun and slammed it into her holster. “Fuckin’ aye.”


Karinna sat on the bed with Starr in her arms. She was able to lull her into a fitful sleep. She leaned against the headboard and closed her eyes. “Please, God…let him be alive,” she whispered.

Tears ran down her face. She didn’t know if she could go on without Todd. She took a shuddering breath and forced herself to remain calm. Starr depended on her. She’d give her life gladly to protect her from any harm. She looked up and saw the brass doorknob turn smoothly. Her heart began pounding violently in her chest.

Gabriel walked in and surveyed the scene with cynicism. “How touching,” he sneered in a low voice.

“Keep your voice down,” Karinna threatened. “I don’t want her to become any more traumatized than she already is.”

“Relax,” he whispered flatly. “I have no intention of waking up that little bitch.”

Karinna glared at him. “Real nice, Gabriel. You’re a real big man, putting down a five-year-old girl like that. Feel better now?”

He gritted his teeth and strode over to her. “Put the kid down and get the hell up. You’re coming with me.”

Karinna stayed right where she was. “I’m not leaving her alone for one second. You can forget it.”

Gabriel grabbed her chin and jerked her face up. “I don’t recall asking your permission. I said get the fuck up, or else I’m waking up the kid. You don’t want that now, do you?”

Karinna chewed her lip. “I don’t trust you. Anyone could come in here and…”

“Well no shit Karinna,” he interrupted. “Look…nothing is going to happen to her. But I won’t be able to make that promise if you don’t get the hell off that bed and come with me.”

She gently disengaged herself from Starr’s embrace and laid her on the pillow. She covered her with a quilt and kissed her forehead. “Sleep my angel,” she whispered. “I’ll be back soon”

Gabriel grabbed her by the upper arm and led her out of the room, locking it behind him.

He led her down a long hallway and knocked on a door at the end of the corridor. “Go ahead,” Gabriel motioned with a tilt of his chin. “He wants to see you.” He opened the door and gave her a firm push.

Karinna stumbled in the room and gasped. There was a young woman, fifteen or so, tied to the large four-poster bed. She wore nothing but a pair of flowered panties and small bra. She was gagged and tears ran down her face.

“Oh my God,” she cried. Karinna rushed to the bed and was about to untie the frightened teenager when she heard the door being locked from the inside. She spun around and almost fainted.

Christian Gaines was leaning against the door with his arms folded. A slow, wide, smile spread across his face. “Don’t even think about untying our young friend here. We’re gonna have ourselves a little party, and your going to do exactly as I say Karinna. You wanna know why? Because if you don’t, I’ll do to Starr what I’m gonna to do to you. You can count on it.”

To be continued…