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They sped down interstate 101. The wind was icy and it cut through Karinna like a blade, she shivered violently. Todd kept it at an even 80mph. She didn’t dare say a word. His face was carved in stone. He looked angry, dangerous, and scary.

She had tried to speak before, but every time she did, he turned his music system up louder and louder until she finally gave up. Vintage Rolling Stones blared from the stereo. It was deafening, but he didn’t seem to notice or care. She stared at her hands and willed the pounding headache behind her eyes away.

He reached over and snapped the stereo off. The silence was so welcome that Karinna slumped in relief. He reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a cell phone. He punched a number in and waited.

“Rosa? It’s me…yeah, I know it. I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped. I need for you take Starr to go to you’re sister’s place tonight. Please…Rosalie just listen to me carefully, okay? I can’t explain it all, but I want you out of that house right now. Tomorrow morning I want you and Starr go to the cabin in Tahoe… and take Rocket with you. I will contact you there. And Rosa? Not a word to anyone about where you’re going…do you understand? Pack warm clothes for Starr and leave now, take the Range Rover. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Tell Starr I love her.” He punched the button and tossed the cell phone down.

He looked over and glared at her. “I could ring your goddamn neck,” he snarled.

“Me?” She said incredulously. “I didn’t ask you to get involved in my life, Mr Manning, you did that all on your own. How much is Lucas paying you anyway?” She asked snidely.

“Shut the hell up!” He shouted. “You’re bad news DeMarco. I can always tell. Trust me, I wish I’d never set eyes on you. I was an idiot to ever…” He shook his head and took a deep breath. “I don’t wanna hear another word outta you’re smart-ass mouth until we get to where we’re goin. Do you hear me?”

“Where are we going? Karinna wanted to know.

“Somewhere safe. Someplace no one knows about, and didn’t I just tell you to shut up?” He snapped.

“Sor-ree,” she muttered. She hunched down against the plush leather seat and stared moodily out the window. They wound their way through Highway 17 without a word between them. The Santa Cruz Mountains were treacherous in the winter. Todd cruised through them smoothly. From there they took Highway 1 and rolled all the way into Carmel. Todd took an unmarked road and navigated the little Shelby through a winding dirt road. The trees closed in on them and it was so dark and impenetrable that Karinna felt she couldn’t breath.

“How much farther,” she asked. She fought to keep the tremor out of her voice, but failed miserably.

Todd glanced at her. “Scared?” He taunted.

Karinna nodded. “Yes. Very.”

He smiled. “Good. Glad to hear it.”

She bit her trembling lip and forced back tears. She ran a shaking hand through her hair and stared down at her lap.

Todd looked at her bowed head. He grit his teeth and inwardly cursed.

“We should be there in another five minutes. Don’t worry…this is private property. Mine. Nothing is gonna happen unless I make it happen.” Karinna sighed and wondered why that didn’t comfort her.


They pulled into a small carport. It sat next to a tiny bungalow. Todd cut the motor and flexed his shoulders, rotating his neck. He glanced over at Karinna. “Let’s go.” He opened the car door and pulled her suitcase out in one smooth motion.

Karinna unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car. It was pitch black out. The moon was a thin sliver in the winter sky. She groped her way to Todd and stumbled, turning her ankle over. She gasped in pain and would have fallen face first, if Todd had not have gripped her arm.

“Will you please be careful?” He snapped.

Karinna wanted to slap him. “If you had lights on like a normal person I wouldn’t have tripped and killed my ankle!” She yelled. She made a little whimpering sound as she tried to stand on it.

“Jesus,” he sighed in irritation. He swung her up in his arms and stalked to the front door. He set her down, none too gently. He felt on top of the doorframe and produced a key.

He opened the door and flicked on a light. He tipped his head and quipped sarcastically. “Home sweet home.”

Karinna gingerly stepped inside. The place was basically one large room. There was a sink, a small refridgerator and a tiny dinette table with two chairs. A low coffee table was in the middle of the room facing a loveseat. A queen size, wrought iron bed dominated one corner of the room. There was a door next to it that she dearly hoped contained a bathroom and shower. “It’s a bathroom and yes…it does have a shower,” said Todd, reading her mind.

He was leaning against the sink watching her. His stance was arrogant…predatory. He had his thumbs hitched in his pockets and his legs were crossed. He pushed off and walked slowly in her direction. Karinna backed up; her heart was hammering in her chest. They were completely and utterly alone here. She was at the mercy of a man who was hired to hunt her down.

Todd lifted a sarcastic eyebrow. He shrugged off his leather duster. “Excuse me,” he whispered slyly. He brushed past her and hung it up on a coat rack directly behind her.

She could smell him as he passed her. He smelled of expensive cologne and expensive cigars, smoky and exotic. She didn’t want to be aware of him, but she was. And she was ashamed of herself because of it. God! Had she no pride whatsoever?

He was the best looking man she’d ever seen. His long hair was incredible, like liquid silk, it moved over his back and shoulders sensually. Any woman would’ve killed for a head of hair like that. It was at complete odds with his face. He was thoroughly masculine looking and beautiful at the same time.

Todd walked to the refrigerator and opened it. He pulled out a bottle of beer and cracked the top.

Karinna stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. She didn’t know what to do or say. So she watched him. He took a long swallow of beer and she watched fascinated, as the strong muscles of his throat contracted. He drained half in one swallow. He ran his tongue over his lips. “Thirsty?” He enquired.

Karinna shook her head. “No.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Suit yourself.” He drained the rest of it and set it down decisively on the counter. “I’m beat. Time for bed.”

Karinna began to panic. “Uh…I’m not tired, I’m not ready for bed.”

Todd looked at her amazed. “Really now? Well guess what? I am and you are, weather you like it or not.”

“No I’m not!” She shouted. She streaked to the door and gave it a mighty yank. She was out and running along the dirt path as fast as she could. Her ankle was throbbing and she bit her lip against the pain.

She yelped when a hank of her hair was grabbed. Todd wound it around his fist and pulled her up short. She felt his harsh breath against her ear. His chest rose and fell in time with hers. “That was really stupid, DeMarco. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He dragged her back to the bungalow and threw her inside. Karinna grabbed the loveseat to keep from falling. Todd slammed the door and faced her. She gulped in spite of herself. The look on his face…Oh God, why did she try and run?

“Take your clothes off,” he said in a low, deadly voice. “And don’t you make me tell you twice or I will rip them right off of you.”


Karinna bit her lip. She could not prevent the tears from coming.

“If you think tears will affect me then you guessed wrong,” he said flatly.

“I hateyou,” she spat venomously. He was a cold, mean, son of a bitch. She was shaking with fury.

He looked bored. “If I had a buck for every time a woman said that to me, I’d be fucking drowning in them.”

Karinna slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the ground. She unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them off as well. She stood clad in a tiny pair of French cut, coffee-colored panties and demi-cup bra. Her cheeks were rosy with embarrassment. She felt worse than being naked. She felt stripped.

Todd’s face was unreadable. A tiny muscle worked in his clenched jaw. “Bring them to me,” he whispered. “Shoes too.”

She did as he asked. He took them from her and picked up her suitcase, unzipped it, and tossed them inside. He walked out the door and disappeared for a minute. He came back in and kicked the door shut. “Don’t you ever run from me again, Karinna. Do you understand?” He said in a hard voice.

She nodded. Her name on his lips was unsettling. It sounded almost foreign.

“Now, we are gonna get some sleep. And I don’t wanna put up with any more of you’re goddamn stunts.”

He strode to a tiny linen closet and swiftly put clean white sheets on the bed.

He pulled of his boots and socks and yanked his turtleneck over his head. He tossed it on the loveseat.

Karinna felt the air in her lungs constrict. His chest was deeply muscled tapering down to a six-pack stomach. His arms were muscled as well. He sported two tattoos, one on each arm. The first one was unusual, it was a circle surrounded by star-like points. The second was a heart bearing the name STARR in the middle of it.

She was so lost in thought she didn’t notice that Todd was watching her stare at him.

“Didja get a good look?” He quipped, with a knowing smile. He wasn’t conceited, but he had always attracted women.

Karinna blushed hotly. “I was NOT looking,” she said lamely.

“Yeah…sure. Whatever you say, DeMarco.” He gestured with a tilt of his chin. “Get in bed. And don’t argue with me. I am too damn tired, and not in the mood to listen to you’re bullshit,” he interrupted when he saw she was going to protest.

With as much dignity as she could muster, she stalked to the bed and laid down. She was as stiff as a board.

Todd walked to the sink and opened the cupboard underneath it. He pulled out a silver roll of duct tape.

Karinna sat up abruptly. “What the hell are you going to do with that?”

Todd sat on the bed and yanked out a long piece of tape. He reached in his pants pocket and opened a Swiss Army knife, cutting the tape in one clean rip. “Get a good night’s sleep. Give me you’re arm,” he commanded. Karinna was going to say something, but the look on his face stopped her. He was fed-up and it showed. She silently held her arm out. He quickly wrapped the tape around both of their wrists, binding them together. He abruptly laid down on the bed dragging her down with him. He snapped off the lamp next to the bed and the room was in complete darkness.

Several minutes ticked by. Karinna tapped him on his shoulder. “Todd?

Are you awake?”

“I am now,” he snapped.

“I have to use the bathroom,” she complained.

“JESUS H. CHRIST!” He yelled in complete and total frustration.


Dawn was breaking in the silent bungalow. It was gray and gloomy. And the pelting of rain sounded like machine gun fire against the roof. Karinna slowly woke. There was an unfamiliar weight beside her. Everything came back to her in a rush.

She turned her head. Todd was sleeping soundly. She glanced down; his hand was splayed low on her belly. His long fingers fanned out on her pubic bone. His leg was thrown over the two of hers. She felt warm and safe and…”What’s the hell’s the matter with me?” She whispered. This was her perfect chance, and this time she wasn’t going to blow it.

She slowly turned her head back towards Todd. His breathing was even and regular. He looked softer and younger in repose. His hair was framing his face like a cloud. She stealthily lifted her free arm and began to gently slide it in his pants pocket. A fine sheen of perspiration broke out all over her body. Oh, God…please let me escape, please. She flexed her fingers slightly and got a fingertip hold on the knife. She drew it out slowly and placed it next to her on the bed. She went back in and delicately pulled his car keys out. She forced herself to stop trembling. They clinked together once and she froze, staring wide-eyed at his face. It remained still and motionless. She let out a slow sigh. She opened the knife with her teeth and used the small scissors to painstakingly cut the tape. She slid her eyes back and forth from him to her wrist.

Her hands were damp and shaking. She finished cutting herself loose and slowly pulled the tape from her wrist. She rotated it and smiled in relief. She turned her head and gasped. Todd was up and awake, and watching her through narrowed eyes. “How long have you been up?” She whispered, defeated.

Todd smiled unpleasantly. “The entire time, baby.” He laughed, low-down and dirty at the double meaning. “I wanted to give you enough rope to hang yourself with.” He sat up and straddled her. His knees were on either side of her hips. He grabbed her hand and pressed it against his erect cock. “The next time you put your hand in my pants, it won’t be to take my car keys.”

She looked up at him and glared. “As if I’d want to,” she spat. He snickered and leaned over her until they were nose to nose. “Oh, I know you want to Karinna…you want to badly…”

“Not if you were the last man on earth. You don’t do a thing for me,” she said icily.

He smiled and sat back up on her. “Oh yeah?” He reached over and took the roll of duct tape; he grabbed both her wrists and swiftly taped them behind her head, to the iron headboard.

“You son of a bitch!” She yelled at full volume. Her eyes were tiger-green, furious and spitting.

He laughed then, really let it roll out. “Man…what a temper! Guess it’s the whole redhead thing. But I think I need to teach you a little lesson on challenging my fragile male ego, Karinna.”

Her breath left her body in a whoosh. “Please…leave me alone,” she whispered.

Todd leaned forward again. His eyes were glittering and feral. “Not a chance,” he whispered back. “Because I can always tell when a woman wants…well… you know don’t you?” He traced little circles around the base of her throat with his tongue. His soft goatee tickled her neck. He put his open mouth on top of hers. “And I know you want it,” he breathed. His brushed his mouth over hers, licking and then rubbing their lips together, until hers were swollen and trembling. “Don’t you?” He asked.

She shook her head slightly. Her control was rapidly slipping.

He smiled erotically. “Liar.” He unhooked her bra and tossed it on the floor. Her breasts were perfect. Exquisitely shaped with light tan nipples. “Are you a real redhead?” He whispered roughly. He reached down and lifted the elastic of her panties up. He took a peek and smiled, pleased. “Well, I’ll be dammed… you are.” He laughed softly and let his fingers brush up her belly and underneath the sensitive flesh of her breasts.

Karinna moaned and bit her lip. She was held captive under his hypnotic spell. Her heart hammered and she lay dry-mouthed.

He leaned over her until his silky hair was pooled on her chest. He lifted his head until the chestnut silk brushed over her nipples. They immediately hardened. “Feel good, baby? I know it looks good.”

He tipped his head back and forth and let his hair swing and brush over nipples until they were tight aching buds. His eyes never left hers; they were dark gold and burned. His warm breath fell upon her like a breeze. He bent down and wetly stroked them with his tongue. He circled and bit down gently.

Karinna arched her back and tried and keep his exquisite mouth on her breast. He smiled and lifted his head, continuing the friction with his hair on her damp nipples, until she wanted to scream in frustration.

Todd rose gracefully from her and pulled the sheet over her. He stared down at her with an arrogant, satisfied smile. “Don’t ever challenge me again, Karinna. Or lie to me. I’ll call you on it each and every time.” He pulled on his shirt from the night before, and tugged on his boots. “Since I can’t trust you as far as I can throw you, you’ll stay as you are. I’m going into town to get some food.” He shrugged on his coat and opened the door. “Try and get some rest, huh? Look’s like you could use it.” And with that last parting shot he strolled out the door, slamming it behind him.

Karinna lay in Todd Manning’s bed, frustrated and aching. She had the sinking feeling that once again, she falling for the wrong man.

To be continued…