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Heaven and Hell By Jo-Rated R

It was a hot and sticky August night. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a walk. I walked to the corner store and bought some whiskey and was headed out the door when I ran into Rick. He has been a friend of mine since high school.

He said that he was having a party and had run down there for more ice. He also said that he would have invited me, but he didn't think that I would be up for a party, since I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 2 years, three weeks ago. I told him he was right and thanks anyway. We hugged goodbye with a promise to get together next week for a movie or something.

As I walked the three blocks home, I begain to think about why I was still letting Michael get to me! He was no good and treated me like shit- but I know at one time we really did love each other greatly. I said to myself,"What the hell-go to the party, have a good time." So with that thought I went home and cleaned myself up and put on my favorite skirt and shirt. I get a cab and head for Rick's.

When I get there, I see nothing but a sea of cars and can hear the music above the loud cab engine. I pay my fair and slowly walked to the front door. I let myself in and there had to be about 50 people jammed in Rick's little house! As I walk through the living room, I see this guy sitting on the couch with about 5 women sitting around him. They are doing lines of coke. He leans over to do a line and when he looks back up, we make eye contact. I freeze right there- he was the most intriging man I had ever seen!

It was like his eyes were looking into my soul. I caught myself staring and snapped out of it. I started to walk away, when I heard "You want some?" I turned and he was holding out the straw. I didn't know what to say- I stood there like an idiot then finallly said,"No thanks, maybe later." "Suit yourself" he said back with a little smile and did another line of coke.

I walked toward the kitchen- I could feel that I was being watched, I turned around and he was staring at me with those eyes. I smiled a nervous smile and went into the kitchen. The kitchen was full of people.

I was talking to Kim when he walked in there and got another beer. Once again he looked right at me. I felt safe and scared at the same time. When he left the room, kim said "I see you have met Roger". "who is he?" I asked. "He is a friend of Tony's ", she said.

I walked to the doorway of the kitchen and was watching him, he was kissing a girl that I had never seen before. Kim walked up behind me and said "that's Pam, they have been together for about a year now." I felt jealous and sick to my stomach, even though I had never see him before tonight. I watched him kiss her and take her upstairs. I went outside to get some air.

About 15 minutes later I could feel someone watching me, I could hear someone coming. It was Roger and he sat down by me on the bench. There were only 4 other people outside. I looked around nervously and he could tell I was a little nervous.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked with a smurk.

"Should I be?" I said back.

He laughed a little and said "Most women are" and he winked and walked away. I sat there for a few minutes and smoked a joint. Then returned to the party. I noticed that he wasn't in the front room anymore. Just then I hear yelling from upstairs.

Me and a couple other people go to see what is up. Pam was yelling at him and he was standing there with that smurk on his face again! He walked right up to me and kissed me! Then he walked back up to her and said "I can fuck whoever I want!" She slapped him and ran out the door.

I started to walk away when he said "Hey, I am sorry about that. When we went up here I told her I would be right back with some beers and took too long and forgot the beers. Anyway she thought I was in another room, fucking someone else."

"Were you?" I asked with a smile.

He walked up to me and leaned forward and said"Well, the night is still young" as he ran the back of his hand over my cheek. I was so damned turned on and scared. I felt myself breathing heavier as he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was soft at first and then he started moving his tongue in and out of my mouth and he held me closer and tighter.

We were looking for a empty room. The only room left was the bathroom. I was so hot- I didn't care! We got into the bathroom and kissed some more and he begain to undo my shirt buttons.

"How do you like it?", he asked.

I looked into those eyes and ran my fingers through that long beautiful hair. I kissed him again and said."Anyway you want."

He smiled and then ripped my shirt open and he ripped off my skirt. It was hot and scary, I loved it. He took off his shirt and pants. He put me up on the counter and started to kiss and suck my breasts and his hand begain to make it's way to my crotch. He couldn't get there fast enough!

He took off my panties and begain to finger me. I am kissing his neck and grabbing on for all it's worth. Without saying a word, he gets on his knees and begins to lick me. He buried his face in me and he got faster and faster and after a minute or two- I came.

Then he got up and started kissing me again and then he shoved his cock inside me. It took my breath away. It was the best fuck I have ever had. I dug my nails into his ass to get him deeper in me...he came with a great ram. We were both covered in sweat and then after he came- he kissed me and got dressed and left the room.

I was still on the counter, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't believe what just happened. I tried to get dressed, but my shirt was ripped, I didn't know what i was going to do. I sat there in the bathroom trying to figure a way to get out of there without a shirt. Then Kim came in and saw me sitting on the floor in a ripped shirt and she said, "What the hell happened to you?" All I could say was Roger. She sat down by me and wanted every detail. We sat up there and talked for a while and then I asked her to go find me something to wear, so I could leave.

Kim left for a while and then Rick comes in there. "I hear you had a good time. Looks like you need to borrow a shirt." he says laughing to himself. He leaves the room and gets me one of his old shirts to wear. He asked if I was alright and could get home okay.

I told Rick that I was fine and just wanted to leave. Kim wanted to walk me home but I told her no and that I was fine. I walked home, hoping to see Roger again. I couldn't get him out of my mind.

I arrive to my appartment and he is waiting for me on the stairway. "How did you know where I live?". I asked a little scared at this point. He didn't answer me, he just looked at me. I continued to walk by him to go inside, he still sat there. I get to my door and I can feel him behind me.

I smile to myself as I open the door. He walks in without saying a word, he looks around the room, and then sits on the couch. I sit by him, not sure what to say or do at this point. We sit there in silence for a few minutes.

Then out of the blue, he kisses me. I kiss him back and then we sit in silence again. He pulls out a joint and lights it up and we share it. I am not that big into that whole thing, but I did need to relax a bit. This man can make you so nervous and so aware of yourself. He begins to talk after a couple hits off the joint.

"I guess I wanted to tell you that I usually don't do what I did over at Rick's. I mean, I don't just meet someone and then screw them ten minutes later."he said.

"I don't either, I guess it was just the party and all. I know you were trying to piss your girlfriend off anyway."I replied.

He got up and started yelling at me "You don't know anything about Pam and I so don't even say a word about it!"

"Hey, I'm sorry if I hit a nerve. I just thought you were trying to get back at her for something." I said still in shock of just being yelled at.

"You don't know what you are talking about" he said as he begain to walk around the room.

"Well, then maybe you should tell me what's the matter" I almost begged.

"All you chicks are the same! You all want something out of me, I can't give! You are all so fucking controling! Trying to tell me where I can go and what I can do.he screamed at me.

"I am not like that, not at all", I say as I try to touch his shoulder.

"Well, thanks for the fuck- I'm out of here", he leaves, slamming the door.

I stand there staring at the door for a minute and then begin to cry. I go to bed hurt and angry and wanting to see this man again.

I went on with my daily life, thinking about him every day. Then one day about a month later- there he was on my doorstep again! I saw him before he saw me and I turned around and started walking the other way, smiling and hoping he would see me and come to me. I can't get this man out of my head , but at the same time he scares me! He is dark and sweet at the same time...a classic bad boy..the kind I am always attracted to. But I knew there was something else there inside him. I would die to know what that was. I keep walking and hoping he'd come after me-then he yelled out my name, I turned around and acted shocked to see him.

"Hey- how have you been?". I say not showing any emotion.

"I had to go somewhere to think and clear my head", he said.

"Did it help?", I said with a little smile.

"A little. Listen, you want to go get some drinks?" he asked me.

I told him that we could get something and take it back to my place if he would like that beter and he did. So, we go to the liquior store and buy some beer. We get back to my place and he sits at the kitchen table and asks if it's okay if he snorts a line or two. I was hoping to have him straight, he seems to get so angry when he has been using. But, I said that's okay with me. He offers me some and I turned it down. After I turned it down he does one line and puts it away.

"So, how have you been?", I ask him.

"I have been me", was his reply.

"why are you so secretive", I ask .

"I don't let people get too close, you know? The more you let in the more you get hurt- so I stay to myself. And that is all you need to know".

"But then why are you here? If you don't get close to someone? Why me?".

"I don't know why, I am just drawn to you, you seem different then the other women I have known."he said touching my face.

I leaned in to kiss him and he turned away. "What's wrong?"

I was a little hurt

"I knew I shouldn't have come here- I should have just stayed away" he said walking toward the door.

"No! Please stay! What is wrong? Stop pulling away from me! I am not going to hurt you! "I yelled at him.

He stopped walking to the door and turned around and said" Aren't you afraid that i will hurt you?"

I walked up to him and kissed him. He smiled at me and we went into the bed room and shut the door.

I sat down on the bed and he walks over to it and kisses me and lays me back and begins to take off my shirt. "Stop", I said.

He looks at me with a puzzled look and then I say "I want you to lay here and let me "take" you." he smiles at that and gladly lays back with a big smile on his face.

I walk over to my dresser and take out a blindfold and some rope. I look at him and I don't say a word as I walk back to the bed. He goes to speak- but I lean over and kiss him, then put my finger on his wonderful full lips.

I take one hand and tie it to the bed post, then the other one. I put on the blindfold and ask"Do you trust me?".

"Yes, I do"he said back. I open his shirt and kiss on his chest, then softly biting his nipples. He begins to moan with pleasure.

I then take a candle and let just a little of the wax land on his chest. He jumps due to the heat.

"Did that hurt?"I asked. "You want some more?" He shook his head yes and motioned for me to kiss him. THe kiss was a hard, wet kiss, that can make you go weak.

He was very turned on. I let more wax drip on him, this time on one of his nipples. He liked that very much as I could see his cock getting hard through his pants. I reached down and undid his zipper. I could hear his breathing getting heavier.

I begain to rub his growing think cock and then I lean down and start to lick the side of it and then the other side of it. His breathing is very heavy at this time. I take his cock in my mouth and begin to move my head up and down, swirling my tongue around it.

I stop all of a sudden and get off the bed. "Oh please don't stop, where are you going?" he says as in pain.

"I will be right back, honey, have to get something."

I went over to him and took off the blindfold and kissed him and left the room. I come back in a minute later and I had to stop to look at that beautiful man, tied to my bed with one of the biggest hard ons I have ever seen.

I smiled at him and he said, "What are ya smiling at?" "I was just thinking how adorable you look there and how much would want a picture of this".

"Don't you dare !! I mean it!" I acted like I was getting the camera then I turned around and started laughing!

I removed my panties and climbed on his lap--getting ready to sit on that wonderful cock of his, when he asked me to untie him... I told him no- not yet. I sat down on his dick and he let out a moan.

I begain to ride him and he moved his hips around, enjoying the fuck he was getting. Then half way through I did untie him. He grabbed me to him and we kissed again and then he flipped me on my belly and entered me from behind.

He was pumping and pumping and we came at the same time. We laid there in each others arms and then had a smoke. I was really falling in love with him and I think he knew it.

I wanted badly to ask how he felt about me- but I was afraid to scare him off. I had never met someone like him in my life!

And those wonderful eyes that can see through to your soul- to me he was Heaven and Hell.
