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Love…And Anger - Part Three

January 1999

Late at night, New York City…

Blair noticed the mansion was on top of the cliff overlooking the ocean. They had been driving for a while and she couldn’t help but wonder if they passed the stateline into Connecticut. The mansion was elegant. There were guards at the gates who let the vehicle pass. Blair couldn’t help but be impressed. They stopped and Bobby accompanied Blair and José into the mansion. It was dimly lit. Blair saw a man on the opposite side of the den. He was looking out a big bay window. Slowly, the man turned around. He wore a dark suit that complemented his dark skin color. He had José’s eyes. Téa’s eyes.

“Rico,” said Bobby, “We got a…situation.”

Enrique Delgado walked over to a small bar and poured himself a drink.

“Who’s the girl?” asked Enrique.

“Oh my God…Téa’s brother’s are…hoodlums..” thought Blair, “And obviously it pays well…”

“Her name is Blair Cramer. We are involved,” said José standing close to Blair. Blair played with her hands and made a face. She really wanted to scream. Ha! And she really wanted to get lost in José Delgado’s eyes again. They were a bit softer than Enrique’s… She took a breath, fighting every urge to rattle off how she thought the Delgados were the scum of the earth…except, maybe José…

“She doesn’t seem your type, José,” remarked Enrique walking up to José, “She’s too…light.”

Blair pursed her lips. She was an interesting contrast to José’s tanned appearance. José had Téa’s skin color. Enrique’s was darker…like Del’s. Again, Blair bit her lip. Téa and Del - the saints! José and…Enrique - the sinners!

“The chick saw the incident with Ramierz,” said Bobby.

“I see,” said Enrique, “She’s not family. She can’t be trusted.”

“Ah…really…you can trust me. I’m trustable,” said Blair confidently.

José, Bobby, and Enrique each shot Blair a piercing look.

“Your woman is a spitfire, José,” said Enrique.

“I’ve always enjoyed a fiery woman,” said José.

Enrique came face to face with Blair, “You are involved with José?”

“Umm, I have very strong feelings for your brother,” said Blair glancing at José. That wasn’t a lie. José Delgado had evoked very passionate feelings within her. Love? Anger? Or both?

“Then tell me José’s passions,” said Enrique.

Blair swallowed, clearly uncomfortable, and looked at José. José didn’t move. Bobby’s eyes were on him.

“José’s passions?” questioned Blair confidently.

Enrique raised an eyebrow.

“Me. I’m José’s passion. I set him…on fire. The desire in his eyes when we - make love - he burns for me…” said Blair adlibbing it. Figures! Téa’s brother’s would be criminals! José’s kiss…on her lips…There was something in his kiss…! There was something about…him!

Enrique paused. There was silence.

“She’s not family José. I believe you are involved with the woman however you know the rules. Only family can be trusted,” said Enrique firmly.

“What does he mean José?” asked Blair, “Is your mob brother going to have me killed?”

“I will not let him kill you,” said José, “…or our child.”

Blair swallowed. José was willing to lie about a pregnancy to save her life? What sick, twisted relationship did José have with this Enrique? Blair was clearly getting nervous.

“She’s pregnant?” asked Enrique raising his voice.

“Blair told me tonight at dinner,” replied José confidently.

Enrique looked to Bobby.

“They seemed pretty…ah, happy, about something tonight…” said Bobby remembering that kiss José and Blair shared.

“And when did you plan on getting married José?” demanded Enrique.

“Soon,” muttered José, “This was unexpected.”

“I see. This Saturday in a private ceremony at St. Theresa’s. I will not have a Delgado born a bastard,” said Enrique firmly.

Blair freaked. Téa - her sister-in-law? “What? You’re planning on marrying me to José?”

José took Blair into his arms and before she could continue he shut her up with a passionate, desperate kiss. And she responded - liking it all too much.

Enrique finished his drink and went over to his desk, pulling out a jewelry box.

José broke off his kiss but held Blair tight in his arms pleading with his eyes…

Blair bit her lip, clearly confused. Caught between her love and anger, furious over the turn of events - furious over her physical attraction to José…

Enrique handed José the jewelry box, “For you fiancée.”

José took it.

“Don’t you think José could get me his own ring?” shot out Blair, insulted by the gesture.

“Oh, she’s a feisty all right José,” said Enrique addressing José. Then he turned and looked at Blair. His eyes cold. Blair had seen that look of ice in another pair of Delgado eyes…

“It is a family heirloom - Blair. I will not get married again. I have no heirs to this. And all this will become José’s and his family’s…” said Enrique making a grand sweeping gesture, “And you will wear it.”

Blair frowned - wanting to say more- but Enrique - well, he was a dick…Ha. She couldn’t believe she just got engaged to the mob and lied about another pregnancy…

“Take your fiancée home José,” said Enrique turning to his brother again, “And make her happy.”

José and Enrique exchanged glances before José put his hand in the middle of Blair’s back, escorting her out.


The Next Day…

Téa Delgado stood in front of the doors to Llanfair. It was mid-morning and she held her stepdaughter, Starr, in her arms. She would retain Minnie, Starr’s current Nanny, but now, after her visit with Viki, she would have to find a suitable home for them to live in. Téa had no intention of releasing Starr into Blair’s custody when Blair got back to Llanview, however, she knew she was not on firm legal ground…yet.

Viki had called Téa late last night and had been rather cryptic, telling Téa that it was important they speak.

Téa took a breath and smiled at Starr. Starr smiled back.

“On the count of three, o.k?” said Téa.

“One,” said Téa.

“Two,” said Starr giggling.

“Three,” said Téa giggling too.

They both knocked on the door loud.

Jessie flung the door open, “Oh, Boy,” she muttered, “Hi Téa. Hey Starr!”

“Hi Jessie,” said Téa, “Is Viki here?”

“She’s in the den. C’Mon in,” said Jessie hesitantly.

Téa followed Jessie into the den and stopped dead in her tracks. Viki and…Todd faced her. Her mouth dropped.

“Daddy!” exclaimed Starr.

“Shorty!” exclaimed Todd.

Téa slowly put down Starr and Starr ran into her father’s arms.

Téa felt a mass wave of emotion sweep over her - confusing her - watching Starr and Todd exchange smiles of happiness.

“Todd,” muttered Téa.

Todd looked up and found her eyes, “Téa.”

There was a moment of silence.

“Daddy, I’m living with Tee now. Are you going to live with us so we can a family again?” asked Starr clearly happy to be in her father’s arms.

“I don’t know Shorty. I need to talk to Tee. Alone,” said Todd his eyes not leaving Téa’s.

Téa slowly walked up to Starr and Todd, “Ah, yeah, Sweetpea - your Daddy and I need to talk. Maybe you could go with Viki,” suggested Téa glancing at Viki. Viki nodded her head.

“We’ll find something to do in the kitchen - help Jessie make cookies or something,” said Viki.

Starr nodded her head and smiled. Todd put Starr down and Viki and Starr walked out leaving Todd and Téa alone. Face to face.

Téa crossed her arms, “So Todd Manning, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Oh boy. This is going to be hard,” muttered Todd, “I’ve been in Chicago…”

“Chicago…” said Téa letting the word sink in. Letting the Anger fester…

“I was seeing a therapist for the DID,” said Todd.

“I thought you said you faked that,” her voice shaking. Could it be true?

Was there hope for their…love?

“That was Pete - pretending to be me. And when I realized it, it was too late - I’d all ready hurt you,” said Todd his voice shaking.

“I’m suppose to believe you?” asked Téa not letting her doubt show.

“I went to a doctor. He had Viki pick me up,” said Todd firmly.

Téa opened her mouth and then closed it. She wrinkled her brow. He was serious. He wasn’t lying about this…

“I love you! I love you! I loved…you - past tense…!”

She was torn between the love and anger she had for this man…

“Téa?” questioned Todd.

“I don’t know,” whispered Téa.

“You don’t know what?” questioned Todd moving closer to her.

“You were sick? Really sick?” she asked.

Todd nodded his head, “Give me a chance Téa…”

“You don’t deserve to have another chance with me Todd,” said Téa letting the anger speak, “You think I’m a fool?”

“You don’t mean that. You’re no fool Delgado,” said Todd dangerously close to her.

“Todd…you…” she drowned off. Todd stepped into her personal space and took her in his arms, kissing her. She was responsive to his kiss. He stopped and pulled away, still holding her, finding her eyes.

“You still love me Delgado,” said Todd softly.

“Maybe I do. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you back into my life,” said Téa.

“You will,” whispered Todd.

The silence spoke volumes between them.

“Where’s Blair? Why do you have Shorty?” whispered Todd.

“Blair?” whispered Téa breaking Todd’s embrace, “Blair is probably in New York digging up the skeletons in my closet.”

She walked a step or two away from Todd and then abruptly turned to face him.

“You have skeletons in your closet Delgado?” asked Todd crossing his arms daring her with his eyes to kiss him again.

“Oh, yeah, Todd. I’ve got a few skeletons,” said Téa. She recognized his bait.

“Do tell,” said Todd licking his lips.

“Maybe when I trust you Todd,” said Téa smiling at him.

“Touché. Doesn’t explain Shorty though,” said Todd.

“Well, Blair’s an absentee parent. And you know I love Starr…!” started Téa.

“There’s more to your motivation than wanting to be a good parent,” said Todd taking a step closer to her.

“Yeah, Todd, there is,” said Téa crossing her arms.

“You’re pissed about Blair digging up the dirt on you…” suggested Todd.

Téa looked at the ground, forced to look at her true motivation. Her Anger.

“…so, you’ll hurt Blair back by taking Shorty…” finished Todd.

“Yeah. I’ve been granted temporary custody of Starr and now I need to find a place to live so I can show the court I can provide a home for Starr,” said Téa.

Todd smiled, “You got my Christmas gift?”

Téa dug into her purse and produced the key.

“It’s to a house - a mansion - here in Llanview. I wanted us to move into it when we returned from our honeymoon,” explained Todd.

“Oh,” said Téa.

“We can be a family Téa…” said Todd

Téa swallowed, “I don’t know Todd.”

“You want custody of Starr or not? Look, I know you’re a good parent. You know I am…Let us…be a family again…” said Todd.

“Oh, Todd…” said Téa softly, “We won’t be husband and wife…”

“We could be Téa. I love you. I can love you now - in the way you want me too…” replied Todd, “Let me love you. Let me give you and Shorty a home and a family.” He could see that his words were effecting her.

Téa picked up a glass on the bar and threw it across the room, “Damn you Todd. Damn you!” she fell to her knees - her eyes wet…

Instantly Todd was Téa’s side holding her tight. She was in his arms and he began kissing her face…

“A family Todd. I’ve always wanted a family…” muttered Téa between Todd’s kisses.

“I swear to you Téa - I’ll earn your trust and your love all over again…”

She looked into his eyes, nodding her head, losing herself in the intensity of his love…

He was still kissing her - passionately…

He could feel the confusion in her kisses. He needed to act quickly.

“We’ll move in tonight…” whispered Todd. She felt so good in his arms, her hands on his shoulders…

She nodded her head.

Love And Anger - Part Four

January 1999

New York City…

José and Blair walked into his penthouse suite on the top floor of a downtown Manhattan apartment building. Their escorts remained outside the door.

Blair marveled at the suite. It was big and spacious with a large living room looking over the Manhattan skyline. José went to the bar and poured them each a glass of wine.

Blair turned to face José, “Now what?”

José handed her a glass, “Congratulations on our engagement.”

Blair took the glass and snickered, “This is crazy.”

José took the bow tie off his tux and loosened the top buttons of his shirt. He sipped his wine, put the glass down on the bar and took off his jacket, throwing it on the couch.

Blair couldn’t help but notice how defined - how handsome - José was.

“Well, do you think I enjoyed lying to my brother that you were pregnant with my child? You can’t stand my family…” said José frankly.

“Your brother’s a dick. He’s as cold as ice. Just like Téa,” said Blair finding José’s eyes. José walked over to Blair and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into him.

“Enrique is no saint. Neither am I - but get this straight right now - I love my sister, and all though I haven’t seen her in a few years I will not have you talking ill of her. Comprendé?” said José firmly.

“Yeah,” whispered Blair. Their eyes met. She could feel the attraction between them. She detected his look of smoldering desire. Slowly, she backed away.

“So, ah, José - what’s this all about? Do you really own that restaurant?” asked Blair, not looking away from him.

“Yes, I do,” said José.

“And Enrique runs the show? How do you fit in? Are you the number two guy?” asked Blair. She took another sip of her wine.

José held his ground, “Enrique is in charge, yes. He makes the decisions. I have no standing in the organization’s hierarchy. I simply launder money for Enrique through the restaurant. That’s all you need to know. It pays well. That’s how I can afford this. I will never live in a basement again.”

“Do you like having a lot of money José? Do you enjoy power?” whispered Blair, taking a step closer to him.

“When you come from nothing you enjoy what you earn,” replied José standing his ground.

“Very well put,” said Blair. She had walked into his personal space.

“What do you find attractive about me?” asked José. He put his hands on Blair’s shoulders and ran them down her arms. Blair pressed her lips together trying to fight her urge to have him, “Is it the money?”

“Well, I get the impression Mrs. José Delgado will have access to a lot of money. Yes, I find that attractive about you,” admitted Blair hoping it wouldn’t scare him away.

“And the power?” questioned José, admiring her body.

“That’s attractive too,” said Blair.

“Anything else?” asked José - his eyes, finding hers.

“The way you kiss me - the way you carry yourself - confident - sure of yourself…” whispered Blair.

She didn’t finish. José pulled her into a passionate kiss. Slowly, hesitantly, Blair placed her arms around his waist. José’s lips found her neck - he savored the way she felt - the way she tasted.

“Is this right José? To give Enrique what he wants?” questioned Blair as she began to drown in his attentions.

“Is it right to give us what we want?” asked José looking into her eyes. He could see the passion in them, “And you want me right now - just as much as I want you.”

“I do,” whispered Blair, “God help me, I do.”

José’s lips took Blair’s and again they melted into another passionate kiss. José broke from the kiss suddenly, leaned over and picked Blair up into his arms. She put her hand behind his neck and pulled him back into the kiss. José walked into his bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. He stood over - over the bed, “I want you. I just need to be sure you want me.”

“I do,” said Blair reaching for him.

“Save that for Saturday,” said José unbuttoning his shirt. Blair slid off his shirt revealing his very well defined and toned chest.

“I do. I want you,” confirmed Blair pulling him into her. José and Blair made love late into the night.


The mansion Todd had gotten them wasn’t too far from Viki’s. And when Todd walked through the doors with Starr in his arms and Téa by his side he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. He loved his family!

They had spent the day moving Téa’s things into the mansion. Neither Todd nor Starr had a lot to move in. Then they spent the rest of the day exploring the mansion, getting to know it better - developing the closeness between them that had been neglected.

Téa stood at the doorway of Starr’s room as she watched Todd sitting beside her bed. He had just finished reading Starr a story and Starr had fallen asleep, her hand in his.

Todd looked up into Téa’s eyes.

It was silent between them. He put the book on Starr’s nightstand and stood up, walking over to her. Téa held her ground. Their eyes met. Todd took his hand and cupped her cheek into it. He took his other hand and traced it down her neck, tracing her collarbone, trailing it between her breasts, down her tummy and resting is there. His look was a mix of confusion, fear, and desire for her.

“There’s plenty of bedrooms in the mansion. I suppose I should pick one out,” whispered Téa.

“The only bedroom you’ll sleep in is mine,” he replied. It was as if a trance had come over both of them.

“With you?” she asked softly.

“With me,” he confirmed, “You want me just as much as I want you.”

She turned away.

His hand brought her back. She found his eyes, “Don’t deny it, Téa.”

She said nothing and Todd placed his hand behind her neck pulling her into a deep kiss full of desire and passion.

“How do I know - you’re better Todd? How do I know you love me?” she whispered between his passionate kisses.

“You know in your heart - how much I love you…how much I need you. Only you Téa. Only you for me,” he replied kissing her forehead, her face…

Her hands wrapped around his waist, pulling him into her - confirming to him that she did indeed want him. There was no way she could stop her reaction to him… she didn’t want to.

His kisses grew ardent and he picked her up in his arms, carrying her into their bedroom as she nuzzled his neck. Gently, he placed her on the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. He sat down on the bed and took her hands in his.

“Are you ready for this Téa? I swear to you that I won’t hurt you…” he said.

“I can’t believe you’re here. I can’t believe you’re ready…” she replied. She sat up next to him and he brought her hand to his lips. She could feel the heat coming off his body for her.

“I’m ready for you,” he replied.

“We’re not going too quickly?” asked Téa.

“Not for me,” he said. Her hand lingered on his face.

“It just seems so sudden for me Todd - this - passion you have,” replied Téa.

“I’ve always felt passionate about you Téa. I’ve always wanted you. And now - I can tell you - I can show you how much…” he responded.

She melted at his sincere tone of voice.

He took the opportunity to take her lips with his and he felt all hesitation drain away from her. He brought his hands to her top and hurriedly unbuttoned the buttons. He could feel her hands massage his chest. He slid her top off. Her eyes followed his. Hesitantly, he unsnapped her bra. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. They sat before each other drinking in each other’s bodies. Her emotions were swirling around her.

Eagerly, he reached out to her, pulling her into him. His flesh, his skin, touching hers. He tried to slow down his urgency but it was hard, so hard… he devoured her neck, going lower using his tongue to gently lick her breasts. Téa gave in to his attention, fueled by her own needs - her own passions to have him. His body was beautiful and now it was hers. Her hands went lower - inside his pants. As soon as she touched him his body reacted and deep moan escaped his lips. His hand urgently fumbled with the belt buckle before undoing it. They both stood up and took the pants off each other in an awkward but urgent way. He took a deep breath drinking her in.

“I’m trying to go slow with you Téa…” he whispered taking her into his arms, “But you’re driving me crazy.”

She took his lips with hers and he took her into his arms. They fell on the bed, and rolled over reach other, letting their emotions take over - devouring each other’s passions. Todd couldn’t keep his hands - his body - away from her. He had to physically touch her. He got up on top, pausing, finding her eyes - obtaining her assent to continue. He felt a sharp jolt of pleasure surge through his body as he entered her and he could see the delight in her eyes.

“I love you Téa,” he muttered almost incoherently as he held her tightly in his grasp.

“I love you too Todd,” she replied clinging to him, his moans of delight intermingling with hers and he collapsed on the bed next to her. After a few moments, after he collected himself, he snuggled into her, letting sleep over take him.