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Love and Anger - Part 7

That Evening

The Manning Mansion…

Téa paced the living room. Things had happened quickly. Blair and her brother. Todd back in her life. Currently, he was upstairs reading Starr a bedtime story. And tomorrow a mediation for Starr’s custody. She let out a breath. Whatever it took, she would settle. Starr didn’t need anymore custody battles. Besides, it bothered her that Todd was so guarded about his time in Chicago, his recent nightmare, and his recent visit to the therapist. What was he hiding? She paused to look out the window.

Todd came down the stairs and into the living room, “What are you looking at?” he asked.

She turned around, “Nothing. Just thinking.”

“About what?” he asked walking up to her, looking at her intently.

“Todd, we have to do the right thing for Starr..” started Téa.

He crossed his arms, “And Blair and your brother are the best thing? What’s your brother like anyway?”

“Like me…” she started.

“Great. Another In-Your-Face Delgado - the male version…” said Todd nervously. He didn’t know what to make of his wife’s brother.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“It means I like that about you,” he answered.

Téa wrinkled her brow.

“Todd, I want Starr to be happy,” said Téa.

“So do I…” he replied. He brought his fingers to his brow.

“Are you all right Todd? I have a lot of questions about Chicago…” started Téa.

“The alters are gone Téa,” he said firmly.

“To be…what? Replaced with a nightmare? Nightmares?” she shot back.

“I never claimed to be 100%. The alters are gone but I’m still in therapy…” he insisted, “I still have issues…”

“What issues? Are you…?” she whispered caught off guard by his remark.

“What?” he asked walking into her personal space.

“All right?” she finished.

He impulsively kissed her lips. Slowly, she responded to the intensity and fervor of his kiss. He could feel himself becoming light headed from the effect she had on him.

“I can’t stop…I can’t stop it…” he whispered between kisses.

She pulled back, “What? What can’t you stop?”

He pulled back as well and found her eyes, “I don’t want to hurt you. I need you.”

“Todd…talk to me please…” she said firmly.

“Don’t want to hurt you Delgado…” he muttered suddenly turning around and briskly walking out of the room. He was upset and confused.

Téa debated following him - wanting answers - but afraid to push - afraid to drive him away. She left him alone thinking he needed some space.


The next morning…

She placed her phone call and anxiously waited for the other party to pick up.

“Doctor Susannah Hanen…”

“Susannah? It’s me - Victoria Carpenter…”

“Viki? Are you all right? You sound worried…”

“I am. It’s my brother. He’s just returned from Chicago claiming he was suffering from DID but he’s not anymore…”

“Viki, you just don’t get over DID…you know that…”

“I know. Todd doesn’t seem…he seems off…even for a supposed recovery. He still seems out of synch…”

“Maybe he’s still working out other issues. Is he still in therapy?”


“I suggest you talk to Todd’s doctor about your concerns. He’s more in a position to know if something is wrong and help you identify if something is…”

“Thank you Susannah.”

“No problem Viki…”


There was a knock on the door. Viki answered it. She had hired a local family practice attorney to act as the mediator between Todd and Blair over Starr’s custody.

A nervous and anxious Todd and Téa walked into Viki’s den. Blair and José were all ready sitting down.

“Todd, Téa, this is Joseph Rugby. He’s a family practice attorney. He’s here to mediate Starr’s custody arrangement,” introduced Viki. Rugby shook their hands without saying a word. Téa and José exchanged smiles.

Todd and Téa sat down opposite of Blair and José. Rugby and Viki sat in the middle.

“I understand a judge awarded you temporary custody while Ms…Cra…ah, Ms. Delgado was away in New York?” asked Rugby looking at Téa. Blair looked at José and made an awkward face, clearly not used to being called “Ms. Delgado.” She would have to talk to José about retaining her name.

“Yes, that’s accurate,” said Téa. Todd rubbed his temples.

“Well, I would recommend a joint custody arrangement since both parents are remarried and both can provide a stable home for Starr…” started Rugby.

“What? Todd’s a crack! He’s in therapy for multiple personalities…” said Blair icily. José grabbed her arm and looked at her intently.

“I’m a quack? Blair you’re an absentee Mom - abandoning Starr for your get rich quick schemes..!” shot back Todd, “And I don’t have DID. Not anymore.”

“Stop it! Both of you!” said Viki firmly.

“What type of joint custody do you propose?” asked Téa biting her tongue trying to remain focused.

“One month stays with both families, alternating Starr on holidays and weekends,” said Rugby.

“Seems fair,” said Téa finding Todd’s non-disclosing eyes.

“I don’t like it,” said Blair.

“The arrangement sounds like it’s equal,” remarked José.

Todd looked at José, “I don’t even know what you do for a living. I know Téa’s a good step-mother but why should I believe her brother would make a good step-father?”

“José is a restaurateur,” said Blair firmly.

Téa wrinkled her brow and looked at José, “A legit one, José?”

“Of course,” said José smiling, “I’ll be setting up another restaurant here in Llanview now that Blair and I are establishing our family here.”

“What do you mean by legit, Téa?” asked Todd intently turning his attention to her.

Téa bit her lip, “When José was younger, he used to run with two-bit gangs.”

José looked exasperated, “Sis - I was a teenager. I’m a grown man now - with a wife and a…family…”

Téa raised her eyebrows as if not convinced just by the tone of his voice.

“Blair…” started Todd.

Téa grabbed his arm, “Todd, this won’t help. If José says he’s cleaned up his act, I believe him.”

Blair smiled smugly.

“Well, can we agree to this proposal?” asked Rugby.

Todd looked away from Téa fighting a wave of nausea over the situation. He wanted Starr but he also wanted Téa in his life. She could…comfort him…if he let her. Todd found Blair’s eyes. Intensely they looked at each other.

“I have a condition,” said Todd fiercely.

“So do I,” shot back Blair.

“What?” asked Rugby.

“I want you and your new husband to attend parenting classes at Llanview General…” said Todd firmly.

“I want you to continue therapy and get your act together. Miss one appointment and this agreement is null and void,” said Blair coldly.

“Same applies for you. You miss an appointment and this deal is over,” said Todd.

“Fine. I’ll draw up the papers for you to sign and have them ready for you this evening…” said Rugby.

Todd stood up, uncomfortable and edgy, “Good. I need some air. I don’t like these fights over Shorty…”

Hurriedly, he walked out of the den and through the front door.

Téa and Viki looked at each other.

“I should go after him…” muttered Téa.

“No, let me,” said Viki, “You need to stay here and iron out Todd’s condition. Find the right counselors.”

Téa, confused, nodded her head in assent.

Viki ran out after Todd. Téa composed herself and began making calls to find a suitable parenting counselor.

Outside, Todd walked down the path to the car, back to Viki’s door, and then back to his car, fighting the confusion…the disorientation…his stomach was upset and his head hurt. Oh why couldn’t he have a family with a loving wife and his daughter by his side - always? And he didn’t know what to make of Téa’s brother. Oh why was love so confusing? Why was love so confusing?

Why did holding Téa so close comfort him and worry him? He reached into his pockets and pulled out his tranquilizers - the Xanax. Intently, he looked at the bottle. He would run out before the prescription could be refilled. But where could he get those pills without questions asked? RJ Gannon would know…

He opened the bottle and took a pill. He needed the effects to calm his nerves…

“Todd?” came Viki’s voice.

Todd spun around putting his hands in his pockets.

“Viki?” he asked surprised.

“You left so suddenly…” said Viki.

“I know. It’s Blair. She knows how to push all my buttons…” muttered Todd.

“Téa’s finding a suitable parenting counselor…” said Viki.

“Téa…” whispered Todd, “I don’t want to hurt her…”

“Todd, you can tell me anything…” said Viki.

“I know Viki. I know I need help. I’m getting it,” said Todd firmly.

Viki wrinkled her brow.

The Docks…

Enrique Delgado walked around the abandoned warehouse alongside the Llantano. The real estate agent followed him.


“I’ll take it. As is,” said Enrique firmly. His cold, piercing eyes found the agent’s.

“Fine. I’ll draw up the deed tonight,” said the agent.

One of Enrique’s men walked in and approached Enrique.

“You can go. I’ll be at the palace later this evening,” said Enrique dismissing the agent. The agent walked out.

“Well?” asked Enrique.

“José is doing is part,” said the man.

“Téa? My sister?” asked Enrique.

“She’s as lovely as ever. She’s married now to a man named Todd Manning…”

“I want to know all about him,” said Enrique.

“No problem, boss…” said the man.

My Daughter? Roseanne?” asked Enrique holding back his interest.

“She’s a struggling student with an interest in…Voodoo…”

Enrique said nothing, stared straight ahead and swallowed.


Love and Anger - Part 8

February 1999

Llanview General…

Viki looked up into Dr. Michaels’s eyes and held out her hand as she walked into his office, “Hello, Dr. Michaels. I’m Victoria Lord Carpenter. I’m Todd Manning’s sister.”

Dr. Michaels held out his hand, “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Carpenter. How can I help you?”

Viki wrinkled her brow, “I’d like to talk to you about some observations I’ve made about Todd.”

Dr. Michaels closed his office door, “You know Ms. Carpenter, I’m bound by doctor/patient confidentially laws not to discuss Todd’s treatment.”

“I see,” said Viki with concern in her voice, “I won’t ask you to break that confidentiality.”

“All right then, what’s troubling you?” asked Dr. Michaels. He motioned for Viki to take a seat. She did.

“Todd’s been back from Chicago about a week now but something still doesn’t seem right…he seems off…” started Viki.

“How so?” asked Dr. Michaels.

“He’s nervous…he has mood swings…” started Viki.

“Well, Todd’s still working out some issues,” said Dr. Michaels.

“I know about Todd’s DID. I suffered from it too…” said Viki firmly.

A wave of realization passed over Michael’s face, “I see. Are you familiar with anxiety disorders?”

“No, I’m not,” said Viki.

“There are several types of anxiety disorders. For example, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive behavior, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Dr. Lake believed Todd emerged from the DID still suffering from an anxiety disorder - what he suspected was PTSD, however, I still need a few more visits with Todd to confirm the diagnosis,” explained Dr. Michaels.

“PTSD? What’s that?” asked Viki concerned.

“PTSD stand for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s a debilitating condition that follows a terryifing event. It can occur at any age, including childhood. What it is - is this: a person repeatedly relieves the trauma in the forms of nightmares or daytime recollections. These people may also experience sleep problems, depression and they may feel detached or numb from others. They may have trouble feeling affectionate,” explained Dr. Michaels.

Viki let his words sink in, never realizing Todd could be suffering from this problem, “So, how do you treat PTSD?”

“There’s a combination of medication and therapy that’s available. Usually, a patient is treated with anti-depressants which work on the neurotransmitters that help conduct messages in the brain and tranquilizers which act as anxiety reducing medication,” explained Dr. Michaels.

“What do you mean by tranquilizers? What are most common?” asked Viki concerned.

“Valium and Xanax are the most common and basically they depress the central nervous system - the parts which deal with behavior and conscious thought,” explained Dr. Michaels.

“But aren’t these drugs highly addictive?” asked Viki, “I knew an employee at the Banner who was addicted to Xanax.”

“Yes, they have to be monitored closely to ensure they’re not abused…” added Dr. Michaels, “It’s good to see you so concerned about Todd. Does his wife share your concerns?”

“I don’t know,” said Viki, “But I can find out. Right now it’s very…it’s a very hectic time for Todd…and Téa…”

“I see. I know Todd cares for his wife very much. Does she return his affection?” asked Dr. Michaels.

Viki gently smiled, “Yes, I believe Téa loves him very much.”

“Good,” said Dr. Michaels.

“When will you be seeing Todd again?” asked Viki.

“Later on today,” said Dr. Michaels.

The Manning Estate…

Téa hung up the phone and turned around. Todd was watching her from the stairs.

“Who was that?” he asked.

“José. I’m meeting him this afternoon after court,” replied Téa.

“I have therapy this afternoon,” said Todd not budging, “I suppose I’ll see Blair and José there for their parenting class. Did Starr get off to school o.k.?”

“Yes, she did Todd. I saw too it. Remember, Blair and José get Starr this weekend,” said Téa. It was silent between them for a few minutes.

Finally, Téa ran her hands over her power suit smoothing out the wrinkles. Intently, she walked over to Todd, “Todd, I want you to get well.”

She reached out to him, caressing his cheek in her hand.

His lips trembled as he basked in her presence.

She continued, “But something is bothering you - still bothering you. I know. I held you close last night…you called out my name in a panic…”

“I’ll never hurt you again,” said Todd firmly.

“Talk to me…share it with me….I have so many questions about Chicago…” she whispered.

He wrinkled his brow, “I want to tell you Téa - I do - but I need…more time to deal with it…”

She nodded her head, “Do you love me Todd?” she asked feeling insecure.

His eyes told her he did. Their gaze was intense.

He copied her gesture, kissed her, and walked out.

Club Indigo…

Todd walked into Club Indigo. A distributor was delivering a shipment of alcohol. Other than that, the club was empty except for RJ Gannon who was reviewing finical records behind the bar. Todd walked up to the bar.

“RJ Gannon,” said Todd firmly.

RJ peered over his paperwork, “Todd Manning. I guess the rumors were right.”

“What rumors?” asked Todd trying to act casual and surpress the nervousness he felt.

“You’re back in town,” said RJ looking Todd in the eyes, dropping his paperwork.

Todd just smiled, “I need your help.”

RJ’s rich laugh filled the club, “Mine?”

Todd pulled out his bottle of Xanax and placed it on the bar, “I need a refill before the refill.”

RJ picked up the bottle and examined it. He placed it down on the bar again. He grabbed a pen and some paper and wrote an address on it. He gave it to Todd.

“What do you want for this?” asked Todd shoving money at RJ.

“Oh I don’t know. I’ll keep the money and when I need a favor later on…” said RJ slyly.

Todd nodded his head and walked off.

Carlotta’s Diner…

Téa walked into the diner and saw José talking to Roseanne and Carlotta.

She took a breath and walked up to them throwing her briefcase on the counter. Roseanne sneered at her.

“José,” said Téa affectionationaly hugging her brother, “It’s been too long. How was parenting class.”

José returned the hug and looked into her eyes, “I agree - it’s been too long. And class was…informative.”

Roseanne rolled her eyes and walked behind the counter, grabbed a pot of coffee and went to go serve a customer.

“She’s not your biggest fan,” said José.

“I know,” replied Téa.

“So, you’re married,” said José.

“So are you - to Blair Cramer?” asked Téa genuinely surprised. José made a face.

Téa rolled her eyes, “O.k. I’ll cut you some slack for now. What are you plans?”

José smiled, “I’m revitizaling Angel Square with my new restaurant…”

“Where are you getting the money?” asked Téa, “I’d hate to prosecute you. I am an ADA now…”

José laughed, “You were always so good…”

“Right. Compared to you?” she replied, “Why did you marry Blair? Were you forced into it? Like I was forced to marry Antonio?” she whispered.

José smirked, “Were you forced to marry Todd Manning too?”

Téa returned his smirk, “Touché. I…I…love Todd. And he loves me.”

“To be honest…right now…it’s all about lust but you never know…given time…it could be love…” replied José.

Téa rubbed her temple in an attempt to rub her growing headache away. She took a deep breath and just smirked at her brother.