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"Tango" by Em

This takes place immediately after “Dance With Me.” It would probably be helpful to read the other stories in order first.

WARNING: The following story is rated NC-17. If you are underage, please turn back now. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex and raw language, please read no further. Please see the disclaimers and thanks in previous chapters.


By Em

Twyla stood up, leaving Todd in the tub highly aroused. She took a large, fluffy towel from the cabinet and placed it on the toilet then returned her attention to the gorgeous wet man with the dancing hazel eyes. She offered her hand to him, which he promptly took. She helped him out of the tub. He tried to embrace her, but she pushed him away gently.

"Uh, uh. Not while you're all wet. Let me take care of that predicament before I take care of the other," she whispered as she quirked her eyebrows.

He chuckled at her audacity. He never could have predicted that he'd have ended up in a situation like this. He had always been so protective of his body, and now look. He was standing before a woman he barely knew like some kind of proud peacock with a raging hard on. Amazing the twists and turns life takes.

She unfolded the towel and began to dry him. But she couldn't just dry him off. Not Twyla. She had to make it a sensual event. She blotted his hair first, combing her fingers through his honey colored locks. Then she used the corner of the towel to wipe the outside of his ears, blowing on them after she was done and making Todd shiver in the process. She dried his arms, paying particular attention to his hands by dragging the fabric slowly between his fingers. His chest was next, and she couldn't help but play with his nipples. They were so pointed and hard; they begged to be teased.

She worked her way down the rest of his body, saving the best for last. She draped the towel over her hand and gently grabbed Todd's balls. He was so surprised by such a bold move that he let out an "oh!" Twyla smiled, kissed him on the hip and dragged the soft cloth up his leaking cock. He merely closed his eyes and let his head drop back.

Twyla didn't think she'd ever seen a more sensuous picture in all her life. She let the towel fall and simply looked at the Adonis standing erotically before her. She shivered in anticipation.

Todd opened his eyes to gaze into hers. He licked his full lips expectantly, a move that sent a jolt of electricity right to her crotch.

Slowly, she began to unbutton her short green dress. His eyes focused on each button. One by one she undid them, keeping herself moderately covered until the last one was unfastened. Then she slid the sheath off her, revealing the fact that she wore nothing underneath. She stood before him naked, save for her three inch black pumps.

They both had waited long enough. The teasing was over. Neither could take any more. They reached for each other simultaneously, groping and fondling the other desperately.

Twyla had just enough sense to snatch a condom from the drawer before she was overcome by passion. She ripped the package apart with her teeth as his mouth sucked and nipped along her neck and face. She pushed him off her rather forcefully and dropped to her knees to quickly roll the rubber onto his rock hard penis.

Before she could completely stand, Todd pushed her against the wall of the narrow bathroom. She wrapped a leg around him in an attempt to gain more contact and stimulation. She needed him in her now.

He was equally in need and grasped her ass to lift her up. Following his lead, she placed a foot on the cabinet behind him. This gave her some leverage, but not enough. She put her other foot on the toilet, her heels making her just tall enough to reach. This gave her all the support she needed to raise herself up high enough for him while bracing her back against the wall.

He took no time in entering her in one steady push. They both moaned, not breaking their hungry kiss. Hands petted each other greedily. He started thrusting in her almost immediately. Their desire for each other was almost overwhelming. She raked her nails down his back lightly as he cupped her ass with one hand while fondling her right breast with the other.

The quick rhythm he set increased steadily. Neither of them could have lasted long at that pace. Soon Twyla felt her toes tingle and spread all the way up her legs. She screamed as ecstasy tore through her. This sent him over the edge of rapture. He pounded into her as he spasmed in a forceful orgasm that seemed to go on forever.

Once the throes of passion had passed, she found that her legs could no longer support her. She shakily put her feet back on the floor before collapsing on the floor in a heap at Todd's feet. Looking up, she grasped the spent condom from his cock and tossed it into the trash beside the toilet. He leaned his head against the wall and tried to slow his breathing.

They stayed in those positions for several long minutes, panting and waiting for coherent thought to return.

Finally, he felt his heartbeat return to normal. He glanced down at Twyla, concerned that she hadn't spoken. Had he hurt her in his zeal to get laid? She had wanted it, hadn't she? Old, familiar apprehensions threatened to overwhelm him once again. He felt her slide her hands up his legs as she stood. She fit herself between his arms as he propped himself against the wall.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked when she noticed his furrowed brow.

"I think I should be asking you that. Did I hurt you? You are alright, aren't you?" He looked as though he was near tears.

"Hell, if I was any better, I'd be…man, I'm too spent to think of anything clever. Yes, I'm fine. More than fine. That was fantastic."

She placed a lingering kiss on his lips. It was a few seconds before he believed her, before he opened his mouth and accepted her tongue. She felt him relax and wrap his arms around her comfortingly.

When they broke the kiss, they stared in each others eyes for a few seconds, each with silly grins on their faces.

"I'm going to have to take you dancing more often," she said suggestively, as she reached up for another kiss.