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Aww, That's So Sweet!

You will find all my comments in bold print :)

From: PoP Tart WTF? Sent: August 28th, 1999

Hey Bitch,Hi. What's up? why you gotta talk smack about Brittny (Brittny? Ooh, sorry. I don't know a Brittny. I do know a skank, her name is Britney, but no Brittny's.), man she is the most adoreable thig in the world I agree! I've never seen a more gorgeous, more talented 'thig' in all my life. So sorry., How would you like it if you found out you got talent Talent? Where?(which you probly don't have)Of course not. How dare I., and started a singing gig, you wouldwnt be happy if ppl made these site about you now would ya? On the contrary. I would shout "Oh bliss, oh sweet rapture! Who gives a rat's ass!" And if you think what she wears is slutty, I've been watchin Mtv l8y Latey? Damn internet shorthand. . .I can't seem to understand a THING these kids say these days., and I saw that 98o video wwhere they gonna get married, man that shit was slutty, So you're comparing a legal, natural supermodel to a bad excuse for kiddy porn. . .I think I missed something. . . so I hope this gave you sumtin to think about. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna stress over this all day. Maybe I'll even shut down my site, yeah, you really set me straight, boy. if ya got anny Comment give me a mail at Peace Out! Oh my Gawd, are you Justin Timberlake?!

From: Subject: britney

dude you are a fucking terdcake WTF?, wanker Again, WTF? beeeeach! you must be really fucking gay and jelous. oh yeah beeaaach! Yes, and this is one of the more creative hate mails I've recieved. . .riiiight.

From: Subject: hey.....about britney...

ummm.. where do i even start???? well first of all how the hell do you think that she has no talent???Because she's gorgeous, and I'm jealous! ::insert sarcasm here:: she is an AMAZING singer, an AMAZING dancer, and has AMAZING stage presense and gives an AMAZING concert. Otherwise known as her AMAZING peep show i consider myself one of her number 1 fans.Hoorah, hoorah. ok ....on your site you show baby pics of her and make fun of them...hello she was a baby.Thank you, Captain Obvious im sure you were such a perfect and gorgeous baby. Oh, but I was ::again, insert sarcasm here:: and you show some bad pics of her....who cares im sure your soo miss photogenic. Pfft. Okay Cher. you just take the most perfect pics. Thanks. Oh, you were trying to be sarCASTIC. How hilarious. and how is she a slut and a bitch??? Wait a minute, have I called her a bitch. . .wait a sec. . . im assuming you know her personally then right?? ummmmm... no!!! Ha. and you say she is a whore for the way she dresses??? look at any normal teenager and she how they dress. Yes, then look at Britney. Sorry, but I see a significant difference. . . what do you want her to dress like. she is an 18 year old girl not a NUN!!! wake up!!! Yeah, sorry. Where's my Foldgers? its all jealousy just have to come to terms and let yourself admit it!! Yes. Alright. Let me pull THAT one out of my ass for you. and even if she did get implants (which she didnt) does that make her sucha a bad person???? NOOOOO!!! lets see you do what she does!!!!!!!!! sorry you cant. "i'm assuming you know me personally, right?" your a loser!!!!!!!!!! Aww, why'd you have to go and lay that on me. . .I don't think I can take it anymore. . .somebody get my my St. John's Wort and a hot water bag. get over it!!!!!!!!

From: LilKim867@aolcom Subject: cool Wow, I daresay you've been trying to mislead me! Just to let you know, there's no need to make your subject sound like you like me, I'll open all mail. ESPECIALLY if it says "Terdhead wanker beeeaach, you're fucking jelous."

You i think are just a fat piece of shit jealous something else w/ your pathetic life besides talk about other people bitch. Hold on. . .OUCH! Man, my ass was stuck to the chair! Maybe I should get out more often. Thanks, LilKim. I now live my life with a purpose.

From: Subject: What a Puke Princess u are!

Dear whatever,
I like to say that Britney is a bad puke princess! forever and ever. Amen.
And also, what the hell was that? Britny being a bad Puke Princess. . .does that mean you LIKE her, or does that just add to the list of yet something else she's bad at. . .should I classify this as hate mail? Are you British AND eleven years old?
