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Todd and Blair are just friends at this point, but this scene certainly was a turning point in their relationship. But more importantly, a major event in Todd’s development. It is the first time since he raped Marty a year and half ago that he has sex. I think the writers and RH hit just the right note on how to play it. When he realizes why Blair has come to see him, he is nervous, awkward, insecure and terrified of himself on how he will handle it. An amazingly simple line sums it up for me, when he says to Blair; ‘If you want met to stop, you just let me know.’ It is right before Christmas. Todd is living in that depressing motel room, looking at the key his father left him. Blair having been ditched by Cord again for another commitment to his ex-wife and kids, has been drinking a bit and finds herself looking for comfort, she comes knocking on Todd’s door.

BLAIR: You alone?

TODD: No, I got a bunch of people here as usual

BLAIR: (sultry, leaning against the door) How’d you like to have a real party? For two?

Scene break

(She has taken her coat off, she is wearing a short, skin tight off the shoulder velvet dress. He’s pouring her a drink and telling her about his dad’s will)

TODD: I’m not even in it. My dear old dad didn’t even leave me a dime.

BLAIR: That’s terrible.

TODD: Yeah, it’s a bummer. (he sits on the bed taking the key and playing with it) And then there’s this trust fund that my mother supposedly left for me.

BLAIR: Yeah? (sits across from him on the table) Well, how much was that worth?

TODD: Nothing, I guess. Doesn’t seem to exist.

BLAIR: Oh, man! Seems like your dad was a jerk right up till the end.

TODD: Well, that’s the weird part. I mean, right before he died, I mean I told ya he gave me this key and told me this crazy stuff about finding out who I was. And I have no idea what he meant, but I had this feeling that maybe, he kinda, cared, after all. Guess I was wrong. Well, (leaning back) it’s like I got this stupid T-shirt; ‘My dad died and all I got was this stupid key.’

BLAIR: (rising) Well, wait...wait come here, let me see this key. (she takes it from him) I don’t know Todd, this looks....this looks like a safe deposit key to me. I....I would check it out.

TODD: (grabs key back) I did. That clown of a lawyer my dad had, had no idea what this key was for. So now I’m back to where I started, broke. My life sucks! So hand over the most pathetic award. Looks like I’ve earned it.

BLAIR: (sits back down) You at least got to leave this little town and go on a little holiday. I was stuck here dealing with these self-righteous jerks who live in this God-forsaken town!

TODD: (smiling) Giving me a little competition for the most pathetic award? (he puts the key in his pocket)

BLAIR: I don’t know about that, all I saw was Marty Saybrooke hugging Andrew Carpenter at her house where they practically had nothing on except their bathrobes.

TODD: (making big face) Ugh!

BLAIR: So, I think well, I will go over and go straight to Cassie and tell her, since she’s my cousin, I need to warn her, right?

TODD: Yeah, I guess.

BLAIR: Well, you would think that she would thank me for telling her the truth about her lousy husband, but, no, no, no! She reads me the riot act, can you believe that?

TODD: Ugh! No, look, I can’t believe that Marty (he starts to laugh) was with that uptight little reverend. (she stares at him) Oh, come on, Blair, lighten up. It’s kind of funny when you think about it.

BLAIR: No, it’s not funny! I tell her the truth and Cassie gets upset with me, everybody in this town gets upset with me!

TODD: Look, you want my advice? Screw `em all!

BLAIR: Good advice. I don’t care about anything or anyone in this town.

Scene break

BLAIR: (she has gotten up to turn on the radio, then turns to him holding out her hand. Todd starts to look nervous and fidgets, running his hands in his hair) I wanna dance.

TODD: (very nervous, almost like a young boy) With me?

BLAIR: (she nods, very seductive) I’m a big girl. I know what I want. (he does not look at her) And I wanna dance with you. Right here, right now. How about it Todd? (he get off the bed and stands facing her, extremely nervous, she strokes a strand of his hair, scene fades out)

Scene break

BLAIR: (he bumps into the bed and starts to fall back, catches himself, then circles around her, adjusts his jacket, and awkwardly gets in position to dance with her. This looks exactly like a young boy at his first dance. They begin to dance very slowly, she smooths and strokes his hair out of his face, he nervously will not look at her until she whispers) I don’t feel like being alone tonight.

TODD: (staring at her, then quiet with conviction) Me either.

BLAIR: I was hoping you’d say that. (their lips slowly tentatively approach but Todd pulls back unsure. Blair looks at him and very gently takes his face in her two hands and gently kisses him. Todd pulls back again, pauses a second, then he dives in and kisses her back. The kiss becomes extremely passionate with Todd becoming quite breathless. Fade out)
