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The Dance

Todd is alone in his motel room. There is a knock on the door. It's Blair. "you alone?" "No I got a bunch of people in here... as usual." Then Blair says, "How'd you like to have a real party for two?"

They share drinks and conversation. Todd tell Blair how his dad didn't leave him a dime and that there is this trust fund from his mother that doesn't seem to exist either. He says that he had thought maybe his dad had changed his feelings toward him when he died. He had given him a key and told him to find out who he was. Sadly, he says, I guess I was wrong. "Looks like I earned the most pathetic contest." Blair tells Todd that at least he got to get away from all the selfrighteous people of Llanview for a little holiday. Todd, amused, asks if she is giving him alittle competition for the most pathetic award. Blair tells him that all she saw was Marty Saybrooke hugging Andrew Carpenter dressed in bathrobes, and that it was her duty as Cassies cousin to tell her. But, instead of being gratful she and the whole town read Blair the riot act. Todd, laughing, says, 'eww! I can't believe Marty was with that up tight little reverened.' His advice to Blair was "screw 'em all" "good advice!!" Blair says.

Blair turns up the music. She seductively tells Todd she wants to dance. Surprised, Todd says, "with me??" Blair nods and says, "I'm a big girl. I know what I want. And I want to dance with you right here right now." Todd nervously gets up and faces her. She touches his hair and he shyly backs away from her touch, almost falling back onto the bed. He walks around her and slowly takes her into his arms staring intensely at her. They move slowly to the music. Blair reaches up and gently sweeps Todds hair to one side and softly tells him, "I don't want to be alone tonight" Todd, looking deeply at her, almost unable to form words, anxiously replies, "me either." Blair whispers, "I was hoping you'd say that. " As they sway to the music, Todd, very slowly, leans in to kiss Blair but breaks just as their mouths would meet. Blair puts her hands on his face and slowly pulls him into a kiss. todd pulls back and looks at Blair. Then with passionate force leans in and kisses her. Slowly he takes a deep breath and rests his head against hers and closes his eyes, as to gain some sort of control of himself. He then passionatly kisses her again. They make there way to the bed where Todd is very excited and nervous at the same time. He is leaning over blair, kissing and about to take it to the next step when Todd sits up and pushes his tossled hair away from his face. He looks nervous and totally not in control of what was about to happen. He sits with his eyes closed taking deep breaths. Blair reaches her hand up to touch his face. He grabs her arm and slowly forces it to the bed. He is on top of her staring right into each other. Then todd kisses her hard and starts undoing his belt, fast and rough. Blair tries to push her way up out of his hold. "Todd, sweetie, lets slow down a minute here." Todd sits up, pulls his belt off with one fast flick of his wrist. Out of breath and breathing very quickly he says, "I'm scaring you? aren't I? I'm scaring you! Why can't you just admit it, I'm scaring you!" Blair says no! She's not afraid, but she used to be . Todd, still hoarse from passion says that's funny. I never saw that fear in you. Blair tells Todd that they are alike. "Steal on the outside but on the inside" Todd finishes..."not steal" "Yeah always moving to fast blair says. " Then she tells Todd that maybe they should slow down, get to know each other. Todd stands up, looking like he just had a wild workout, and snaps at her. "Look, the only reason you're here with me is you're trying to forget someone else and thats fine but lets keep everything out in the open here!" Fine Blair says. Todd tells her that there are alot of things about himself that he'd wouldn't mind forgeting. Blair says lets make a pact. No rules except no love. They both agree.

Blair looks around the room for something else to drink but there is nothing. So Blair says it looks like we'll have to go to my place and grabs her coat and keys. Todd stands there, still, in some sort of shock. "Whats the matter Blair asks him while she stands in front of him fliping her keys back and forth. He grabs the keys and says I'll drive. Blair giggles, "OH do you have to be macho and in control?" "I'm not in control, Todd says in a low voice, but I'm the one who is sober. He gets his coat. She giggles and says I can still drive us there and he jokes with her and says "you don't exactly have the best record behind the wheel...Blair." They smile and he asks what her place is like. She tells him.. "you are going to love it and it is going to love you.!" (the background music is playing I'll stand by you)

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The Dance