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I love continuity. The writers wrote Vicki and Todd’s last scene together in the cemetery. And of course, the last time they were there was when he came back from the dead in Ireland. Both scenes got to me emotionally, mostly because of the terrific performances by RH & ES. Vicki’s hurt and Todd’s sorrow, at what he had done to her by faking his DID, were beautifully underplayed. I think I interpret Todd’s “I’ll miss you,” to have a bit of Roger’s sentiment also, they always worked so well together. When at the end of the scene he caresses her face and both of them were in tears, well they weren’t the only ones. We were also saying good-bye to Todd once again. As I write this we have found out Todd is returning! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to continue the circle in this place?

VICKI: (she is sitting on a bench in the middle of talking to Joe Riley, her first husband, again laying a white rose on his grave) I know I can’t protect my children from life Joe, but it’s so hard. I wasn’t even able to help my brother! I so desperately wanted to believe in Todd. And I guess I had to vindicate myself somehow, my own struggle. And all I ended up doing was giving him all the weapons he needed to hurt me. It’s all my own fault, everything.

TODD: Nah. (Vicki looks up and sees Todd at the cemetery entrance) Not your fault.

VICKI: What are you doing here?

TODD: (he shrugs) Same thing as you, sis. (she stares at him)

Scene break

VICKI: What do you want?

TODD: (quietly) Nothing. I thought this might be a nice place to say good-bye. (pause, she just stares at him, he crosses looking around) You remember the last time we were here?

VICKI: Yes. You had just come back from Ireland and you’d found Blair with Patrick, and you wanted revenge on the whole world. So, have you had enough?

TODD: (small shrug) I said I was a lost cause, and you said I could be saved. (she stands) So tell me Vicki, after all this, after everything we’ve just been through, do you still think I can be saved? (he is just a bit smug, she stares coldly at him)

Scene break

VICKI: (crosses in front of him with her back to him) I guess that’s about as close to an apology as you’re ever going to get, isn’t it?

TODD: No, I’m not apologizing. And I’m not making any excuses.

VICKI: (turns to him) Oh no, you don’t. You wait for me to make them for you. That’s our pattern.

TODD: (archly) Then don’t.

VICKI: (back at him) I’m working on it. (she shrugs) Obviously having me on your side hasn’t done you any big favors.

TODD: Look Vicki, if you’re going to bother hating me, don’t waste your time. I’m way ahead of you on that.

VICKI: (simply) I don’t hate you. (he stares, not understanding)

TODD: (turns his body to face her head on) What is it that you do feel Vicki, huh? Frustration? Shame?

VICKI: Yes, in that ballpark, I guess. You’re not Victor Lord, no matter how hard you try to turn yourself into him.

TODD: Do you think I managed to break the pattern? (with very small smile)

VICKI: (trying to get through) Doesn’t mean you can’t still lead a miserable life and hurt everyone who ever tried to love you.

TODD: Well, I guess I’ll see you later, then. (they stare at each other, with very little bravado left) Any great insights for the road?

VICKI: (she shakes her head) No. (reflecting) (he stands running hands through hair nervously) You know, I thought you had to be a part of my own salvation and I was so wrong because you and I are not different sides of the same coin. We’re two totally different people and you can’t find yourself by looking in my mirror.

TODD: (small smile and shrugs) No. We had a pretty good run at it though, didn’t we?

VICKI: (deeply) You really hurt me.

TODD: (he tears up and voice breaks) And I’m sorry. (sincerely) I am. The prospect of 350 years in jail clouded my judgement.

VICKI: You’re right to go away.

TODD: (his eyes glisten and he has a small smile) I’ll miss you.

VICKI: (her lower lip trembles, she starts to choke up) You need to go someplace where the only voice you hear is your own.

TODD: (smiling through tears) I got a lot of voices in my head, Vicki.

VICKI: That’s what I mean. You know you thought you were so clever making up all those other personalities. Joke’s on you Todd, because they’re all a part of you. (pointing at him) You have to listen to them, and you have to listen very carefully and put them together, and’ll find Todd.

TODD: All right. (sarcastic) And what do I do with TODD when I’ve found Todd? (eyebrow arches)

VICKI: He’ll know. I don’t. But I really, really hope that he’ll come and see me, because I think I’d be very interested to meet him.

(He smiles, tears brimming, he steps into her and with his left hand he gently caresses the side of her face, tears fall freely from her eyes. His face contorts about to totally break down, he catches himself and stops, big sigh, then smiles at her, she smiles warmly back at him and he turns and walks away. Vicki gives a small sigh, and sadly shakes her head)