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By the time this scene played my heart ached for Todd being the disgrace of the town, without a friend in the world and leaving all alone. I wavered on the DID but I remember yelling at my screen to know the truth about his father’s abuse. The writers of course kept it vague till almost the end and when Sam put it to him that he lived by his radar and would collapse if he could miss something like that, Todd simply says he made the whole thing up. But it wasn’t what he said but the look in his eye, his tone and you just knew it was real. For once he was trying to make someone else feel better. The writers had such a wealth of material when they introduced this subject, but they truly chickened out, they just couldn’t hack it, but RH could have played the hell out of it, that was the true shame. The scene picks up with Sam at the airport trying to get a seat on a plane bound for New York, only to find out one person has booked the entire first class section.

SAM: He?? What kind of person buys a whole first class section for himself? (he starts to laugh and then instinct makes him turn around and see Todd standing there)

SAM: (steps up to him) Those seats.....those seats are for you?

TODD: (small smirk) Elbow room.

SAM: You’re leaving?

TODD: Leaving. You?

SAM: Yeah, I’m....I’m leaving too.

TODD: Where are you going?

SAM: I have no idea.

TODD: Yeah. Well, me either. (holding up tickets) I mean, I’m.....I’m going to New York but after that, I don’t know. Vicki says I need to find myself.

SAM: (pointedly) No matter where you go, there you are, pal. What does, uh, what does Tea think about all this? Your leaving?

TODD: (he looks a bit sheepish) She probably won’t miss me.

SAM: What do you mean, probably? You mean she doesn’t know?

TODD: She’ll figure it out. (puts tickets back in breast pocket) She’s smart. She’s very smart. Except when it comes to me.

SAM: A lot of people have that problem.

TODD: (a bit defiantly) You just wanted a challenge, Sam, that’s all.

SAM: (angry) I could throttle you right now. (Todd stares) You burned me. You burned me and I don’t know if I could ever forgive you.

TODD: Sam, I asked you to come to help save my marriage and you did that, and then I wrecked it. (emphasis on I) I wrecked it. But I don’t believe that you’re sorry that you came here.

SAM: (shakes his head) No.

TODD: (very sincerely) Well, me either. For one thing, if you hadn’t shown up, I’d probably be in jail for 300 years....

SAM: Aw.....please...

TODD: You don’t want to talk about it. And I understand. I am an impossible case.

SAM: You know, I never believed that. I still don’t.

(the P.A. announces Flight #42 for New York is now loading at Gate 3)

SAM: That’s you, right?

TODD: Yeah, that’s me.

SAM: Todd, uh....(he stops, doesn’t know what else to say)

TODD: (smiles sadly and warmly) See you Sam. (he starts to leave)

SAM: (stopping him) Wait, there’s one thing. I have to know. What you told me about what Peter Manning did to got to tell me, was that a lie? (Todd just stares at him)

Scene break

TODD: (continuing staring at him, then with a small smile trying to dissuade) Sam, it doesn’t matter.

SAM: Yes. (Todd starts to say something but stops) Yes, it does. It matters to me. Please.

TODD: (purposely cryptic) The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.

SAM: (trying to sort it) Okay. Look I know that DID thing you made up just to get out of going to jail, and I know that you lied to me because you needed to draw me into your plan, right?

TODD: Right.

SAM: Okay. But the thing about Peter Manning see, the reason this is so important to me is because, I just collapsed when I realized that there was something that terrible that could happen to you and I didn’t pick up on it. I missed it. I mean, I live by my radar. If I can’t trust that, I can’t trust myself. Did I really miss that?

TODD: (his eyes are sad, they give away that it was indeed true, then smiling to reassure him) Made the whole thing up, Sam.

SAM: (not sure) Really?

TODD: (smiles, but voice catches, and gives it away) Really. Lock, stock and barrel.

SAM: (understanding) Sometimes the truth is a lie and sometimes the lie is the truth.

TODD: (shrugs and smile) Sometimes. (taking out tickets) You want one of my plane tickets?

SAM: No. Thank you.

TODD: Okay. You sure? I mean, the last flight to New York is probably you know....

SAM: (cutting him off) Yeah. No, no, you know what? I may not go at all. It may not be necessary. I may, uh, I may not go.

TODD: Well, okay. (they stare at each other for a second, each not knowing what to do)

SAM: (quietly) Okay, Boomer.

TODD: (Sam has hit the nerve, Todd’s voice and face fills with emotion, he voice cracks, trying to hold it together) Don’t call me Boomer!

SAM: Okay. (He gives Todd a bear hug. Todd’s eyes fill with tears. Sam pats him on the back several times. Todd brings up his hand to hug him back. Then Sam pulls away from him and Todd bites his lip and turns to go quickly through the gate throwing his ticket at the attendant, Sam and we watch him go)