Hello this is my credits and thank you page. This is where I thank the people whom have stood by me the most. These people have helped me or inspired me at one point or another. If I put down everyone that has actually helped out I would use all of my web space. So I'll just use the people that have made the biggest impact.

This is my grandmother. Without her I would have missed out on a lot of the finer things in life. She showed me so much about life. She showed me lots through her eyes. I miss her as the days wear on cause I do not have her to talk to and console in. But none the less she is one my biggest inspiration. Grandma I know your watching down on me and I love you.

Moving right along to the next person.

First off I would like to thank my girlfriend as of the last little while all of my poems have been for her or about her and my feelings for her. Thank you sweetie you will always hold a special place in my heart. Without you half of these poems would not be possible.

My next thank you is to none other than:

This is my mother. Mom without you pushing me and making me do the best I can I may have never even of written any poems. Thanks for standing by me through thick and thin.

Okay a couple more to go. =)

This is my father. Dad without you slapping me upside my head when I acted up I may still be in trouble and everything. He he he. Thanks for pushing me to do my best.

Okay just 2 more to go!

This is one of the two that have kept me straight for a while now I mean I think without them around to keep me sane I would have exploded by now. Even some days just writing doesn't soothe my soul and well tehse two do. Well when they are calm. Is there an off switch can anyone answer me that? This one was taken when he was playing Josh's shadow for a day he he he I loved every second of it.

Okay last but not least:

This is my dog. Well she is much bigger now but I thought this picture was just too cute. Without this dog I would be so lonely right now.

That's all for my thank you's and everything. And to everyone that's ever hurt me, wronged me or anything. Thank you too, for giving me something to write about. And last but not least thank you god. For giving me the gift to write.