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Sting Reports

Welcome to Sting's Reports section. This page will have the results for all Monday Nitros, Thunder, and PPV events. Enjoy!!!

WCW Monday Nitro: March 26, 2001 *Lords of Pain*

Ric Flair Vs. Sting--- Ric Flair comes to the ring, and then they go to commercial. We're back and Sting makes his way to the ring. They exchange calls to the crowd. Sting throws Flair to the ground. Flair shoves the ref who shoves him right back. Sting hits a shoulderblock and Flair falls to the ground. Sting gets poked in the eyes by Flair. Flair then chops at Sting. Sting Reverses and start to kick away at Flair. Sting hits a drop kick, and Flair rolls to the outside. They lock up and Flair hits a shoulderblock and takes down Sting. Flair begs for Sting to back away, and then struts. Sting hits a press slam. Sting is in the corner punching at Flair, and then Flair does his fall face first. Flair hits a low blow as Sting was holding on to him. Flair kicks at Sting. Flair chops away and then snap mares Sting over and hits his knee drop. Flair chops Sting down. Flair pokes Sting in the eyes and then goes to the top, but Sting catches him and presses him ot the mat. Sting misses a dropkick as Flair holds on to the ropes. Flair applies the figure four in the middle of the ring. Flair is using the ropes and gets a two count. Flair gets another two count. Sting pulls Flair to the middle of the ring and reverses the figure four. Flair tries to chop at Sting but there is no effect and Sting beats on Flair in the corner. Flair does his flip in the corner. Sting hits a suplerplex on Flair and then puts on the Scorpion Death Lock for the win. After the match, Sting hugs Flair. They both shakes hands and embrace again. --- Winner: Sting via sumbmission

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