Since its debut on June 29, 1999, TAWA has had 3,155 visitors to its web page. This has increased by 838 visitors since the last publication of "Bay City Bylines." 37% of these visitors come back more than once and many of them pay tribute to "Another World" at TAWA. Our role-playing game has 20 members, and our discussion mailing list is up to 28. The Another World Anthology chat and message forum has 76 members and 218 current messages for any "Another World" fan. Recently the chats have been lots of fun and are bringing out lots of information, but more on that later. We have had 775 people visit this forum and many have chatted or posted messages at all hours of the day. Come join in on the fun. The Next Month in Chat Thanks to Missy our chat moderator, we now have four weeks of focus entitled, "Those Actors and Actresses." "Throughout the years on AW, there were several characters who were portrayed by more than one actor/actress. In the following weeks at Tuesday chat, we would like to discuss this further. So put on your "thinking caps" and bring your memories with you to chat...let's see how many we can remember." October 19, 1999: Male characters who were portrayed by more than one actor. Who was your "fave" actor who portrayed that character through the years? Who is the actor you will always remember in that role? October 26, 1999: Female characters who were portrayed by more than one actor. Who was your "fave" actress who portrayed that character through the years? Who is the actress you will always remember in that role? November 2, 1999: Male characters who were portrayed by only one actor during their tenure on AW. November 9, 1999: Female characters who were portrayed by one one actress during their tenure on AW. Feel free to email me, Missy, with any chat ideas, and remember we can always discuss other aspects of Another World too, or whatever tickles your fancy. |
This Month's "Ask an Expert," was submitted by Drew. "How was Brian Bancroft written out of "Another World?" If you remember how Brian was written out of Another World please let us know. Drew is planning on bringing him back to "TAWA's" Virtual Bay City, but wants to keep with the history. Virtual Episodes We would still like to gain some more characters, why don't you try joining the role-playing game and picking up some of these characters. You can add your own story lines and such, which always makes it interesting for everyone to read. We are a close knit group of writers (you don't have to be creative), who are just having fun enjoying playing and planning these episodes out. Give it a whirl, check out role-playing. I am looking for episodes of Texas, if you have any saved on tape, please contact me. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Storm To submit a classified ad, send the ad to
Deadlines for this free submission are the tenth of the month for that
month's respective edition of "Bay City Bylines." To answer an add,
just click on the link and email the advertiser. Only "Another World"
related items will be allowed in this section of "Bay City Bylines."