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Monthly Edition                                                                          November 15, 1999                                                                Volume 1, Edition 3, Page 2

"We do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand other worlds." - Another World Opening Line

"TAWA" Popularity

     Since its debut on June 29, 1999, TAWA has had 3.960 visitors to its web page.  This has increased by 805 visitors since the last publication of "Bay City Bylines."  67% of these visitors come back more than once and many of them pay tribute to "Another World" at TAWA.  Our 3role-playing game has 23 members, and our discussion mailing list is up to 29.  The Another World Anthology chat and message forum has 93 members and 222 current messages for any "Another World" fan.  Recently the chats have been lots of fun and are bringing out lots of information, but more on that later.  We have had 1,193 people visit this forum and many have chatted or posted messages at all hours of the day.  Come join in on the fun. 

The Next Month in Chat

     Every Tuesday Night, "The Another World Anthology" sponsors a chat for any fan of "Another World."  This chat is held at 8:00PM Central Standard Time in "TAWA's" chat room.  The conversations that we have are usually fun and bring each of us down the memory lane that "Another World" has offered us.  These are the chats and message boards that will not dwindle nor fade into nothingness, you can always expect fun filled, intelligent conversation at "The Another World Anthology."  Also, TAWA chat is open twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, feel free to chat at anytime. 
     The next four weeks in chat are focused on the theme, "Bay City Holidays." 
     "Throughout athe years on AW, the holidays always seemed like the perfect time for families to get together and come to terms with their differences.  In the following weeks at Tuesday chat, we would like to discuss this further.   Bring your memories with you to chat...let's celebrate the holidays in Bay City. 

November 16, 1999: Bay City Thanksgiving Dinners, over the years which ones were your favorites and which touched your hearts?

November 23, 1999 - No Chat - In observance of Thanksgiving Day. 

November 30, 1999 - Bay City Winters, favorite or least favorite Bay City Winter events and activities. 

December 7, 1999 - Bay City Christmas Celebrations - Which Christmas years do you remember the most and why?

December 14, 1999 - The Another World Anthology holiday party.  Please bring a dish and be ready to celebrate the hoidays with us. 

December 21, 1999 and December 28, 1999 - No Chats in observance of Christmas and New Years. 

     Feel free to email me, Missy, with any chat ideas, and remember we can always discuss other aspects of Another World too, or whatever tickles your fancy. 

Ask an Expert
     "TAWA" is sponsoring a component to "Bay City Bylines" called "Ask an Expert."  This is where those of us who don't have excellent memories, like me, can ask other fans to refresh.  
     Last  Month's "Ask an Expert," was submitted by Drew.  "How was Brian Bancroft written out of "Another World?"
Response #1 - Brian Bancroft left Bay City at the end of his mayoral term to take care of problems with his drug-addicted son Ted.
Response #2 - This is my contribution for what it's worth to the Brian Bancroft question.  I'm not sure Brian was ever written off; and I don't recall his death even being acknowledged on the show.  I could be wrong, just don't recall.  I know he was on as late as 1986 but in a very diminished role.  I loved his interaction with Beverlee Mackensie when Iris and Brian were married, but in the late 70's Scott Bradley and then Cass and Peter Love took over legal issues in Bay City.  Were there other lawyers at Cory?  I think Brian's last job was Mayor, but he did not figure predominantly in any story line as I recall in the last years.  The last scene I think I have of him is discussing Rachel's financial condition with her when she had amnesia in 1985.
This   Month's "Ask an Expert," was submitted by Rachel.  "What was Grant Harrison's occupation before he became mayor?"

      If you know the answer to this question,  please let us know.  

Submit or Respond to Ask an Expert.

Virtual Episodes

     Wow!  What is going on with the Episodes? The writers have been working very hard at long term storylines.  What is going on with Donna and why is Matt so interested?  Did Donna ever wake up?  What about Reginald's appearance in Bay City what is he doing back?  Nick and Remy are seemingly getting closer to the next step in their relationship, will they take it?  What about Maggie?  What does she have to say or do with the developments in Remy and Nick's relationship?  Will she stay interested in Cameron?  What about Louise Goddard Brooks, where doe she fall into all this?  Read the next episodes 15-17 to find out.  These new stories will be released on Thanksgiving Day!!! Curl up with a nice drink while your Turkey roasts in your oven, you won't be sorry.    Episodes 1-14 can be found at "Virtual Bay City."
     We would still like to gain some more characters,  why don't you try joining the role-playing game and picking up some of these characters.  You can add your own story lines and such, which always makes it interesting for everyone to read.  We are a close knit group of writers (you don't have to be creative), who are just having fun enjoying playing and planning these episodes out.  Give it a whirl, check out role-playing.


     Have unique "Another World" material, or rare tapes that you want to trade, or are you looking for some material or tapes.  Post it here.  
     None at this time. 

     To submit a classified ad, send the ad to  Deadlines for this free submission are the tenth of the month for that month's respective edition of "Bay City Bylines."  To answer an add, just click on the link and email the advertiser.  Only "Another World" related items will be allowed in this section of "Bay City Bylines."

To recieve "Bay City Bylines" via email each month, click Discussion Group/Newsletter
"Bay City Bylines" submissions/feedback:
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 Virtual episodes

In this edition:  Fond Memories of Rachel and Carl, TAWA Popularity, The Next Month in Chat, Ask an Expert, VirtualEpisodes, Classifieds, Why "Another World?", Trivia Teaser, Fan Fiction: Futuristic Bay City, Feedback, Let's Argue, Alum Alert, TAWA News and Updates, Discussion Group/Newsletter, Linkage

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The Another World Anthology