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We bought us a grand old house, built about 1904 with the original natural dark woodwork. It's a dream come true for me! We have been moved in since March 16, 2002 and though most of the work is completed we are still finding little "finishing" items, but then with an old home is the work ever done? Still, it's a labor of love. Below is a photo of the fireplace in the sitting room as it looked right after buying the house and then as it looks today. Quite a difference, huh?

I have photos of my vampire collection after it was moved into the upstairs bedroom to its permanent home. Trust me, there's a great deal more than what the camera can take and every year it just gets BIGGER.

Along with my other interests, June 2006 I created a group of professional paranormal investigators called the Springfield Paranormal Research Group. We are a small group of ghost hunters in the Springfield, IL area that conducts free confidential investigations. Meanwhile, keep checking back because as I go on investigations I'll be updating my "Ghost Hunting" site to include them when possible. Some may not be mentioned because of a request for confidentiality or the descriptions will be very brief and general.

Below are my other pages and some of my favorites. If you should click on a link to another site and it doesn't launch properly, please let me know.

Springfield Paranormal Research Group

Vampire Collection MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Ghost Hunting (updated 7/2/06)

Things That Goes Bump in the Night

Leaf Painting Gallery

    I've scanned some of my leaf paintings and put them into here.

Inspirational Sites

    From time to time people has sent me links to pages that touched me one way or another. These pages I loved so much I wanted to share with others.


    This page is where I list all the people that has offered information and places I have obtained images used on these pages.

This is my cat, Baby. She is the ruler of this household.

Recently we brought in this "creature" as Baby calls him. She was NOT happy with me. His name was originally Sugar Bear but since there's nothing sweet about him, he's just Bear. He keeps me hopping but of the two he's the most lovable.

Favorite Webpages:


This is a type of embroidery called Hardanger. It's an art form originating over 300 years ago in the Norwegian countries and is trying to make a comeback here in the States. Because it isn't "easy", many that I have talked to has either loved it like I do, or totally hate doing it. I'm planning on doing a lot of this embroidery since I'm now retired.

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